12-Week Challenge Let's get to know our Players


Ok a little backround.

Karen -33 years
Stats- on the offical goals page
Married 10 years
Kids- 3 little girls 9,7, and 4

To start I use to be pretty heavy and unhealty. During high school and such I was probably a size 12. Then got married had my kids and my weight skyrocketed to 254lbs. I wore about a size 22. For myself and my kids I began a healty eating and exercise program which in about 2 years got me to a size 6 and current 150lbs. I'm doing the challenge because during life and holiday's I've put on 5 lbs and 2% bf. I know in my heart I will never let my weight be that kind of an issue again. But I do know that some habits are hard to break know matter where you have been or where you are now. This came at a perfect time for me. I've gotton complacent but not happy with myself. I mean I have come along way but I know I can do better and have done better. I have been eating after 8 which is a no no for me. I been eating to many bad things. Even with all the exercise the diet has to go hand and hand. These past three months exercise has been great and food well, to many bad days. I know what I have to do. I just need to do it.

As for me, I'm a SAHM who homeschools all my girls. Not for religious reasons just because I want to make this an experience they wont' forget. My husband and I have been together for 12 years and married 10 this coming July. We went to high school together but never dated. About 4yrs out of school we met up at a baseball game and were married a year later. Who knew I would marry the boy who sat in front of me in U.S. History and slept. LOL

Anyway my girls are beautiful ( they are all in gymnastics and girl scouts), my husband is great and more than I could hope for. As for me i love this forum and another one I'm on and I love Cathe and working out.

I'm here for any of you ladies because I know in some way we have all traveled the same path at one time or another.

I hope this isn't to long. Just wanted you guys to know a little about me and where I have come from. See you along the way and meet you at the finish line. karen

Thanks for starting this, Karen. I'm looking forward to reading about all my fellow Challengers!

OK, here's me.

Gayle, age 34. I live in Nazareth PA, and I have 2 boys...Jacob is 8 and Zachary is 5. I quit my FT job last June to return to SAHM status. It was the hardest decision to make since I was giving up my income, but it was also the BEST thing I did. My DH passed away in September of 2004 after 14+ months fighting leukemia. That is what got me back on the road to fitness.

I've always been athletic. I played 3 sports all thru high school and 2 sports in college. I became an emotional eater when things in my marriage went from bad to worse. Late DH was laid off from his FT job for an entire year when he was diagnosed in 2003. At that time, I was a SAHM, but went back to work to get good health insurance (since he was unemployed, we had nothing...no health insurance and no life insurance). I turned to food BIG TIME and packed on over 40 pounds. 2 months after his diagnosis, I learned the hard way that DH had been "seeing somebody else". 6 months after he was diagnosed and after his bone marrow transplant, we were told he probably wasn't going to make it. I got scared that my kids would have no daddy and a fat and unhealthy mommy.

SO.....off to Weight Watchers I went. I started losing the weight by eating right, and after I was introduced to Cathe, lost over 40 pounds. The hardest part for me now is keeping it off.

Fast forward to today. I am now engaged to a WONDERFUL man with whom I worked with for 10 years. He lost his mom to leukemia also.

Why this challenge? Because I know I can do it. Because I WANT to do it. Because I have survived so much that I know I can survive 12 weeks of torture by Cathe and you guys! LOL I want to stay healthy and have that rub off on my boys! I want to RUN more marathons. I want to raise more money for leukemia research. I want to feel like I'm helping others, and my fitness is a way to do that. I WANT, I WANT, I WANT! LOL I want to have LIFE!

Nice to meet you all! Can't wait to hear you guys push me thru daily workouts! LET'S DO THIS TOGETHER!


p.s. How's that for a story! WOW! Sorry to lay all that on you guys! LOL
I love both your stories! Thank you so much for sharing

Ok, my name is Kathy. I am 48 years old, been married 21 years. My DD is in the US Navy and had the most beautiful baby boy in March 2005, he is currently living with my husband and I. We live on a lake outside a VERY rural area (in the TX boonies)we love it though we are originally urbanites.

I had a very severe bought with depression and anxiety disorder that began in 1998 by 1999 I couldn't sleep more than an hour and was becoming agoraphobic, I did not understand what was happening to me. I was diagnosed and put on so much medicine that I was a numb zombie and had a tremendous weight gain. As I got better and learned how to manage my disorder I really wanted off all the meds. I went to my Psychiatrist and he told me that diet and exercise did not work for everyone but it might work and that I would have to work diligently at it. I had no idea how to begin and then I saw Cindy on the Firm infomercial and so began my journey, June 2002. In 6 months of Firming and eating the Zone way I was off my meds and seeing improvement - I only had 3 more instances of panic attacks and have not seen one now in several years (yay!!!) but I am very careful to stay away from situations that aggravate it. Anyway, I made goal in 18 months, went from a 22/24 to a 6 and was in a Firm Infomercial. The Firms were not challenging me anymore so I moved on to Cathe and have been doing pretty much only her workouts and some of my own every since.

I have maintained very well until I quit smoking during the holidays this past year (which is a bad time to quit). I began an eating binge that lasted from Thanksgiving to New Years and put on 7 lbs. My metabolism did an "I don't know what" and I gained a few more, my bf% is up and I am thoroughly disgusted with myself -- I needed a change....this challenge beginning now is perfect timing! I am eating the BFFM carb cycling way, I was upset at first because I gained a bit but was reminded that sometimes when we make changes our body has to adjust so I am ready for changes to be made and work hard at it! -and that is my story!

Nice to meet all of you!
Girl that is one mighty story and one life you have lived thus far. I have to say I'm awe struck at how you have made it through the tunnel to see what light there was ahead. You are very inspiring in what you have overcome. Thanks for sharing that with all of us. My mom always says God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. You are defienly one who God had a plan for and now by running you can see what you were meant to see. JMO. I am a firm beliver in a purpose for your life. You were meant to do this and share this for all of us to see.

I'm with you to the end Gayle. Running along side of you. I'm down in Maryland not to far from you. I could run over. LOL Karen

Kathy, you remind me of me. We have come along way down in weight and have had a glick here lately with the holidays. I'm glad to see your story and to know that it is similar to mine. You have worked hard. We did it once we can do it again. This time we are smarter and healtier and we can do it. Karen

Karen - I was thinking the exact same thing

Gayle - awesome story I am still sitting here looking at it again. You are a very strong woman, I admire you already.
Thanks for sharing ladies! You are both brave and should be given lots of congrats for how far you have come in your lives and your goal of life-long fitness!:)

Me...hmmmm...what can I say? I'm boring! LOL

I was not over weight in High School...a mere 112 pounds or so. I'm 5' 3" and will be 34 in a short week, BTW. I forgot to put that in my stats!

I guess my weight troubles started when I gained about 15 pounds in my first year of college. That was my ONLY year of college, LOL. I didn't take the weight off when I left and so I have been up and down between 125 and 140 many times since college...

I have joined 3 or 4 gyms and quit after 3 months.

I have exercised at home a many many times and quit after a few months.

I DID however go to a jazzercise class 2x weekly for about a year when I was in my early 20's. I really liked it but the one I went to closed up shop and I never bothered to find another.

When I started dating DH 6 years ago I was back down in weight (about 120-125) but soon got COMFORTABLE and gained it back and was again at 140 and HATING it!!!

THAT'S when I got serious! About 3-4 years ago! I ordered Beach Body's Great Body Garunteed and Leslie Sansone's WATP for abs and never looked back! Soon after that I made my first Firm purchse: BSS #2 and I was hooked! I did primarily Firm work outs for about 1.5 years before discovering Cathe in December of 2004 (while pregnant!).

I recently received a gym membership as a gift from DH and I LOVE it! I just wish there were more days in the week so that I could find time to fit in all of the work outs I love! LOL I had sworn off the gym scene after starting with the Firm and didn't have any inclination to want to return to it until recently. They just offer things I simply CAN NOT have at home. It is also a plus for me as a SAHM mom because that means I can get my work out in while Joey is having a blast in the daycare and then his nap time can be used for other things besides work outs...like posting here!!!:7 :7 :7

Anyway...I had my son in May 2005 and gained 35 or so pounds. I lost all of the weight by the time he was about 9 months old and have even lost a few extra pounds!:+ Since doing Cathe and changing my diet (the diet is thanks to the ladies on this board!)my body has changed soooo much even though I basically weigh the same as I did when I got pregnant! I am so much more muscular and lean and fit than I was before. I am far from perfect and still have lots I'd like to accomplish which is why I am doing this challenge! I also am going on my first vacation since my honeymoon in June and want to look as HOT as possible for it!}( }( }(

Okay, I've babbled on long enough...someone else can take a turn now!:p

Edited to Add: WOW I type slow! Hi Kathy!!!! You hadn't posted when I started this! LOL I have go back and read your story now that I'm FINALLY done with mine!

Good for you girl! You have overcome so much! You must be a very strong person! Congrats on all of your accomplishments! I'm sure you will be able to add the results of this challenge to your "list"!:)
Wendy-My motto as of the last year has been "BORING IS GOOD"! It's so true. I really enjoy boring these days! Boris is GOOOOOODDDDD!

Karen-THANK YOU for your kind words as well! Oh, and Maryland is so close! Let me know if you ever head in my direction!

Kathy-STRONG AS A BULL! That's what pops to mind when I was reading about you! Way to go taking charge of your physical life to help maintain your mental like. They are so interchanged at times, aren't they? GREAT JOB!

Ladies-I think we've won the challenge ALREADY! LOL


Thanks for sharing, Ladies!! Your stories are inspiring!

I was always small in high school (110 pounds) and college helped me put on a few pounds---up to about 125, but at 5'4", I was still OK. By the time I got married at 27 years old, I was 170 pounds, but still fitting into a size 10 (barely, but I refused to go to a 12). I lost a bunch of weight from stress, mostly (the divorce of my parents), but I was also exercising to The Firm 3 times a week.

My weight has gone up and down since then (I am now 36 years old), but never too much above 150 pounds.

Today I am 145 pounds. I carry my weight well, but I am still in a size 10 (some 8s, depending on the brand). I am a medium build, and pretty strong, so maybe that is part of my weight.

I have 2 children with my husband of 10 years, a girl (6) and a boy (almost 4). I try to do some exercise every day. Last summer I started running with my daughter while she rides along with her bike.

For this challenge I plan to do my running after school with both kids on their bikes. I am a teacher in a public school (4th grade).

I can't think of anything else right now. I am so proud of us for making this committment!

Go us!!
12-Week Challenge Introduction

Greetings! I am so excited to be a part of this challenge. My name is Heather. I am 35 years old, single (hopefully not forever), and live in Texas. I work as a legal assistant. Those are a few things about me, but that is not who I am. Above all else, I am a believer. The Lord is my passion. I live by faith and believe all things are possible. I love God and His Word. The desire of my heart is to glorify Him in all I do and say as indicated by the Scripture in my signature. If you ever need prayer, feel free to send me a PM.

By the grace of God, I have walked in victory over binge eating for a little over 2 years and 9 months. Looking back, I honestly cannot remember a time prior to July 4, 2003, when I was not obsessed with food and/or dieting. I think I came out of the womb with an oral affixation. I sucked a pacifier until I was old enough to chew gum, and I started turning to food for comfort as soon as I was old enough to walk to the refrigerator. When I was not eating, I was chewing gum.

I was put on my first diet when I was 9 years old. That only served to increase my focus on food and my body. I went from one extreme of anorexia (88 to 94 pounds) in high school and purging with laxatives and diuretics in college to the opposite extreme of binge eating my way up to 260 pounds in my 20s. During my darkest hour, I was drinking 18 to 24 cans of Dr. Pepper a day and chewing 100 pieces of gum a day. I was totally addicted to sugar. It was not unusual for me to consume 20,000 to 30,000 calories in a 24-hour period, and I literally ate until I passed out on several occasions. I finally came to the end of myself on July 4, 2003, wrote a letter to the Lord surrendering food and my weight to Him, carefully tied it to a bouquet of helium balloons, and released it. Indeed, it was Independence Day! I have never been the same.

It has taken me since July 4, 2003, to drop 75 pounds because I am not willing to cut my calories too low and risk triggering a binge. I have also devoted a lot of time and energy to the emotional and spiritual facets of this journey. After going from one extreme to the opposite extreme for years, I no longer want to be thin. Living fit and free is my ultimate goal. I am still 55 pounds above my goal weight. I may not be fit yet, but I am no longer in bondage to dieting and binge eating. Cathe recently helped me discover a place of balance with my exercise rotation, and I am so grateful because I have a tendency to go to extremes.

Cathe is such an inspiration to me. She is in awe-inspiring shape, and so are many of you based on the pictures I have seen! It amazes me that I love and look forward to working out now. I am one who would do anything to get out of gym class in my school days. I even tried to flush gym clothes down the toilet when I was in junior high school (and succeeded in flooding the toilet and making a big mess)!

I am 5'3" and weighed 260 pounds on July 4, 2003, when I started my fitness journey with walks in the pool, Jen Carman’s FIRM Basics video, and my friend Gretchen’s cardio kickboxing class. It was very intimidating for me to walk into a fitness club at that size, but I did it. The club closed a few months later, which was so upsetting because I was just starting to feel comfortable in that environment. Gretchen started teaching and training at another club, and I followed her there and started over in a new place. Last April, the FIRM Ya Yas introduced me to Cathe when I requested a challenging workout that would leave me drenched in sweat and begging for mercy. Cathe delivered! I ordered Cardio Kicks and Boot Camp, did Cardio Kicks for the first time last May, and was hooked instantly. I ordered Circuit Max, Pyramid Upper Body, and Leaner Legs and started my first Cathe rotation on the 4th of July. Between the 4th of July and my birthday in August, 15 pounds and 2 sizes melted away in 7 weeks. During a super stressful season at work in the fall, I took a break from Cathe. Every ounce of that weight found me again. I completed my first Slow and Heavy rotation in December and loved it but realized that trying to build muscle and shed fat at the same time was not working for me. I weighed 200 pounds on New Year’s Day. I started an Intensity Series rotation on New Year’s Day followed by a Body Blast Series rotation. By the end of January, I was 10 pounds lighter and one size smaller.

I started burning out because I was working out for 2 hours at a time doing double workouts like IMAX2 + Boot Camp and Step Blast + Kick, Punch, & Crunch. I was also doing a super tough cardio boot camp class at the club after work. I hit a wall with my weight and could not seem to get beyond a sticky plateau. I joined Cathe’s forums last month and posted a message to her. She encouraged me to start a more moderate rotation, and I took her advice. After seeing the rotation Cathe suggested for me, I dropped down to once a day with a total rest day once a week. I decided to take a break from my most extreme workouts--cardio boot camp classes at the club that kept me anaerobic the whole time. The weight started melting off again. After 3 weeks of this more moderate and balanced approach, I was 5 pounds lighter and another size smaller. I took a break from Cathe’s workouts the week before Easter to prepare for a Good Friday outreach. I started my challenge on Easter Sunday. I am sticking with the cardio and circuit training rotation for at least the first half of this challenge. I am currently taking a break from the club and doing an all-Cathe rotation for a variety of reasons.

I have always been a girly girl and had no interest in athletic sports, but I loved to dance and twirl from the time I was a little girl. The dance flair Cathe adds to her step choreography is what captured my attention, but the athletic side of her workouts challenges me and gives me something to focus on other than my weight and butt size. There are so many moves that are still way out of my league (like stability ball pikes for example), but it thrills me to finally accomplish something challenging for the first time. Thanks to Pyramid Upper Body, I can now do a few pushups on my toes for the first time in my life! Cathe and her crew members are positive role models for me. With a history of eating disorders, I need strong women in my life who inspire me to be fit and free as opposed to thin at any cost. I have been down that road, and it was not worth the price I paid and the damage I did to my body.

I have hope now that I can finally be free from this prison of fat for good. I believe I can do this. Cathe’s super challenging workouts inspire me to keep eating clean because I want to experience them when I am no longer carrying the burden of this excess weight. All the jumping she does looks like so much fun, but I have to modify some of the impact to protect my joints. I am over halfway to my size 8 goal (down from a size 28 to a size 14 so far). It has taken over 2½ years of intense exercise to get this far.

I did not have any athletic ambitions when I started this journey. I just wanted to be able to bend over and paint my toes without getting winded! Now I am thinking that there might be an athlete (or dancer!) buried under these mounds of fat. Thanks to Cathe and her forum members for all the great inspiration! I joined this challenge because I need an extra push to break free from this fat cocoon that remains. I always thought the weight would fall off when I got my reckless eating under control. It did not happen! My stubborn fat is not going down without a fight, but I am more than a conqueror. The binge eating has been conquered. It is time to blast off the rest of this fat. I want to be as healthy on the outside as I am on the inside.

Did I mention that I have the gift of words and words and words? :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Im going to reply now but catch up on everyone tomorrow.

* Age 27
* Married for 4.5 yrs
* have a 10 yr old
* work full time

I have never really had a weight problem.I got pregnant when I was 16 and had her when I was 17.I was back into my size 26 jeans a week after (i wouldn't be able to get into them now though:eek: ) LOL
I moved when I was 19 and met DH, thats when I gained a little weight.Back then I didn't weigh myself, but I would imagine I weighed between 120-125 and I went up to 137 lbs. Thats when I took up exercise again, with running.It was the cheapest exercise and being a single mom, going to collage, I certainly didn't have money for a gym membership.
I got down to 123 lbs when I ate really clean but I wasn't enjoying life anymore.I would stress about eating out and family functions.I easied up on my eating and gained back 7 of the pounds I had lost.
To tell you the truth, now that I am journalling my food, I don't know how I stayed at 130 with the amount of calories I was consuming in the run of a day by picking at food.I thought my metobolism was at a stand still b/c I was running alot and not losing a ounce but it was b/c of the food I was choosing to eat.

Thats it for me! Looking forward to getting to know everyone more over the next 11.5 weeks...its not 12 anymore ya know! LOL

Well I'm also in the boring catagory.

I'm 43 years old. I have been married for 23 yrs next month. DH and I moved to Texas 22 years ago from California. We met at a summer job the summer before our senior year and got married 3 yrs later. I have a daughter in college. I never really had a problem with weight until I turned 35. Then it just slowing crept up. I decided I need to do something when I realized I was 40 lbs heavier than I was after I gave birth to my dd. I lost some on my own. Then a little more with WeightWatchers on line. July of 04 I was down to 115, but still felt lumpy. I knew I needed to bump the fitness back up. I had been active in previous years, but had slacked off. So I started with the Firm and then discovered Cathe on FitTV. I have always been what I call an "athlete want a be". Love doing sports, but never very good. I've always considered myself very uncoordinated and that is one reason I think I love working out with Cathe at home. I can rewind and rewind and rewind until I get the steps (which have gotten much easier to learn over time).
Over the last year or so I have done so much better with working out, but I have let my eating slip and have gained back 18 lbs. I joined this challenge to hopefully get a grip on the whole picture(health, eating, and exercise). Now if I can only find a cure for my sweet tooth.

Thanks, everybody, for sharing! This is fun, and the stories range from boring (which is GOOD) to incredibly motivating!

I'm laughing at myself for a typo up above when I typed "BORIS IS GOOD". Who in the WORLD is BORIS? LOL I meant BORING!!!!!! LOL

Good night.

LOL Gayle! I read your original post and didn't even pick up on it until I read the new post! :7 :7 :7 Are you sure you aren't secretly in love with some guy named Boris? I could understand if you were! I mean, afterall...it's such a sexy name!!!:p
Wendy, you didn't pick up on it??? Thats odd;) LOL

I have to say that there are some pretty touching stories out there! Holy Moly...everyone as had a mountain to climb no doubt.

You know, I was watching a t.v show yesterday and ( i think it was a canadian show) there were these two women trying to lose weight.I felt so bad for them b/c one of them was 285 lbs and she decided to go kayaking, but when she got there she realized that she couldn't fit into anything.She got very upset and started to cry.In 6 monthes she had only lost 33 lbs, which makes me think she didn't give it her all.She gave up going to the gym and instead she walked her dog and took up knitting.At times these women seemed to be giving it thier all but at the sametime, they were constently coming up with excuses as to why they couldn't or wouldn't do something.
But not you ladies! Anyone here with a weight problem in the past as seem to over come it and you should be very proud of yourself.Of course there are going to be days when your willpower isn't as good as others but you got through yrs of healthy eating and exercise.But we all go through that.Just remember that if you ever have a bad day...look how far you have come!!!


What got into you? Being so inspiring and such! Maybe you should be a spokesperson for weightloss/fitness! You could tour different schools, businesses, etc. and give speeches on the topic!:p
I LOVE these stories, it makes this challenge feel like it's so much more than just "getting fit for summer". You are all so inspirational!!

I'm Heidi, age 38 (but not for long! ugh!), and I'm a SAHM. I'm married to Jon for 17 years and we have a 12 year old son and 9 year old daughter.

I was always very slim, I even had to gain weight just to get pregnant. Pregnancy made me into a different person, the only way to keep the nausea away was to eat and since I was used to eating anything I wanted and not gaining weight, I didn't really watch every I ate and I ate lots! I gained 80lbs with each pregnancy. It came off fairly easy BUT not all of it. I was left feeling very blubbery and "loose".

So 4 years ago I started working out after realizing I looked horrible in my first short'ish denim skirt (never noticed the knee flab when wearing shorts!) and I discovered Cathe through seeing her referred to by Firmies. I've managed to get my weight down and certainly look trimmer but I'm still one loose package in my middle and could stand to lose some fat! I guess I'm one of those skinny fats! :eek:

As for this challenge, I've always had a problem sticking to my goals and have never reached that point of where I can say, wow, I'm really on my way to having the best version of me that can be. So I really want to give it all I've got! :7


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