12 week Challenge checkin 5-27


Good Morning Everyone. I know most of us will be busy over the weekend but let's try and do our best without full out meltdown. Let's keep on top of our water, try our best with our eating ( miminal treats) and meet back here on Tuesday not super depressed. We can stick to it without going over board. Have fun this weekend and enjoy your time off from work and being with family. Remember if you do go overboard report back for some support to get you going again.

Today is a rest day for me. Tomorrow I have a long run planned.Enjoy everyone.

Good morning Ladies! Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

You've said it perfectly Karen to set the tone for the weekend. As long as we don't "overdue" anything, we will all be AOK!

I had PH on my rotation yesterday and I powerwalked for 40 min. Today I have MIC but I am headed to the Beyond from 9:30-5:30 and don't see that happening today! If it's nice I'll probably walk or do RS or SB. I'll have to see what I feel like when I get home.

We're just having some family over either tomorrow or Monday for a cookout. I'll have my own food of course so I'm not worried.

Enjoy your day Ladies. I'll be around tomorrow and Monday if anyone feels like chatting. Keep it in check!'


Good morning karen & kali,

Karen-i agree, you said it perfectly! it's hard not to loose it during a holiday weekend esp. if you are surrounded by a lot of tempting treats. monday, we are going to be with our family for a bbq. i will attempt to be good until then...;o)

so far this morning i did the cardio only pre-mix of bootcamp. in a little bit dh & I are off to the gym for legs and abs.

hello to all that follow....

happy workouts to all and enjoy your weekend!
Karen- i just checked out your picture trail. what an amazing transformation!! wow, you are a true inspiration:)

Kali- i checked out your pics also, you are unbelieveable!!! i just love the bathing suit.
Hi everyone.

This morning I felt like a complete idiot. I bought the Power Hour DVD about a month ago and have done PH, but I never even thought to look at the other segments on the DVD. Duh! So this morning I looking through my DVD's trying to decide what to do and find Max. Strength and Body Max. I selected BM (just the step park, upper body & abs, skipped the circuit stuff because I plan on working legs tomorrow) and it kicked my behind. I wonder what it would have done to me if I hadn't skipped the circuit part. Maybe I'll try the whole thing sometime next week.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. We can make it without over indulging.

Ok, Wasn't I the one who said everyone do your best. Blah Blah Blah. Well, we stopped at my in laws who were having Japanese food, fried rice, sushi, and a whole mess of other traditional dishes and I caved. My husband is Japanese!!! Crap Crap CRap. I did drink my water and I will let it go like I also said to do. I had done so well all day and to walk into that. We were on our way home when they called so I was starving and I thought this would be easy on me if i didn't have to cook. Well, I should have cooked. We have no other plans as far as me having to avoid poor choices. Today was the only day. I still plan on my long 12 mile run tomorrow and a healthy picnic like usual on Sunday. It's out of my system but I'm so sorry for being the one to cave when I was so up beat this morning. Sorry girls. Tomorrow I will be fine. Stay the course ladies. I'm back in the game tomorow. I have eaten much worse but I'm just mad. Alright I'm over it.


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