12 Week Challenge Checkin 5-13


Hello everyone, Happy almost Mother's Day. On tap for me today is running 9 miles. Dh and the kids will bike beside me and then we are having a picnic lucnh. It's suppose to rain tomorrow which will be my rest day and then we have a picnic with family. It's looking a little sunny so I'm hoping the weather holds true for sun at least today.

I did my weigh in and took my bf today but no pics. I lost 3lbs this month and 2% bf. This puts me back to what I was prior to Christmas and Easter. I really tighten up this month but now is where it really gets tough because my body has platued at this point everytime. I am happy with the body fat. My goal is 14% and it's 14.85% now so I'm on my way. I would like to lose about 6 more pounds before this challenge is over but like I said my body usaully sets right here at this bf and in between this weight I am now. So my goals for this months is to lose 3 more lbs and 1/2% bf, drink more water, and continue with my runs. Have a great day eveyone.

Hi Karen!!! Sounds like you have a nice day planned. I did CTX Kickbox this morning. I'm starting Cathe's July 2003 Fat Loss & Definition rotation this Monday, I'm looking forward to the change from CTX, and I think my body could use the change in workouts.

Looks like we've both made some nice progress. My weight has fluctuated a lot over the past few days but my bf% has gone down 1.93% over the past 3 weeks to 14.25%, so we're pretty close to having the same bf%. I've also lost 1" off my waist, and 2" off my "upper" hips where the muffin tops are....I knew it wasn't all in my mind that they had shrunk. The widest part of my hips is still much the same, but I figure that's the toughest part to lose in....darn saddlebags....though I think they've shrunk too.

I like my progress so far, and can see the difference in the mirror. I'm still mooshy in lots of places, but I have to look at the big picture and enjoy the process of getting to my goal of looking like a fitness model by age 40 (next summer)...I figure I might as well aim high! :7

I hope everyone has as super day and a fabulous Mother's Day!

We are a small group today!

I did BootCamp this morning. It felt great!

I also like my progress so far. I am down about 6 pounds and I can definitely feel it in my clothes. I still have a long way to go. I would really like to lose 15 to 20 pounds more (not by the end of our challenge, but eventually).

My eating is the biggest part of meeting my goals. And I am doing well so far.

Have a terrific Mother's Day everyone!
12-Week Check-in

I still weigh 195 pounds as of this morning, and the bloat is not showing any signs of departing. I have been drinking more water to no avail. In the past, it has taken my body as long as 3 weeks to get back to normal after an allergic reaction to something like MSG. I hope this is not the same! I am still itching all over and struggling to breathe. There is no congestion in my head. It is an asthma-like reaction, and it feels like something is sitting on my chest all the time. I just cannot seem to get enough air in my lungs. The itching is driving my crazy. Even my hair is itching if that is possible!

I ate a few bites of junk food today and celebrated a friend’s birthday tonight. Tasting old favorites that I thought I missed only affirmed that I do not like processed junk anymore. I still love certain desserts and sweet tea, but the rest of it does not appeal to me at all. And that is a good thing!

Tomorrow is a new week and another opportunity for a fresh start. I am so thankful.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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