12 Week Challenge Check In - 06/09


Late again but i can catch up tonight when I get my little one to bed!

Down to business.......: HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

I rested from Cardio today...I am pretty whooped.

Workout for today:
Slim and Lean - 50 minutes, 200 calories burned, HR 93 ave/124 max

Food For Yesterday - my treat day:
M1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites
M2 - 2.5 oz grilled chicken breast, 2 slices home made whole wheat bread
M3 - 3.5 oz grilled chicken breast, mixed nuts and raisins
M4 - 3 oz grilled fish with lime and pepper, snickers bar
M5 - 3 oz salmon, 1 cup spinach and half a tomato, 1 serving of jello vanilla pudding

I am ready for 5:00 PM this afternoon -- see you ladies later!
Good Morning Challengers!:)

Kathy: I am doing Ripped today for the first time. I'm excited! I have no idea what kind of weight to use...I may either play it like it's a Cathe endurance work out or just use the weights that Jari uses. Either way it will be trial and error. I think Jari's rep #s are closer to SS than to Cathe so the weight for Cathe's work out might be too high. How does the weight you use in Jari's work outs compare to say, ME?? Thanks!:)

So today is no impact day finally. I've done some pretty intense work outs the past few days. Need to give the impact a rest. Tomorrow is slated as my outdoor run and that kicks my arse so I need to "rest up" for that one!}(

I will be doing Jari Love's Ripped work out for the first time + a rebounding work out. Sounds like a good combo of endurance and light cardio, doesn't it? :)

Well, I'm gonna have to move on this work out no later than 7:30 if I hope to finish and be showered before it's time for Joey to get up so I must go find some breakfast now!

TGIF Ladies!:+
Wendy -- If you are doing plain Ripped you can go a bit heavier.

If youare doing Slim and Lean let me see -- In ME I use 10-12 dbs for chest or 35bb for ripped I use 8 lbs db or 20 lb bb ......legs I am going light on purpose because I have built my legs to oblivion.....I use 8 lb dumbells or 20lb bb - for shoulders (can I say ouch herer) I had to go down to 5 lb dbs.....I usually use 8 or 10 with Cathe - I was a bit humbled -- I would probably stay with 5' and 8's except for leg and backwork and the triceps they go way to light for me I use 10 lb dbs here and usually use 8 or 10 with ME

Good Morning Ladies. Today on tap for me is PH and a 2 or 3 miles run. I totally love PH and it always seems to fly buy which is good because I have grocerymax today.

Kathy- enjoy your Friday

Wendy- Let us know about Jari and how it goes. I'm going to get this one.

Off to workout.

Kathy: Yes, today is the regular RIPPED. I have the other 2 on order. :) I will pretend it's ME then and see what happens and on the others I will go a bit lighter. Thanks for the advice!:)

Karen: Want to pick up some things at the foodstore for me too? ;) Have fun with Power Hour...I agree that it's a good one! I'll report back on Ripped later today.:)
Good morning ladies! Woke up with a sore chest from S&H, which surprises me since I don't usually get very sore with this series thanks to all the stretching between sets. So I'm loving that sore feeling.

I think I'll be doing PLB today. I also need to do CleanMax, atleast maybe a timesaver version, ;-)

Wendy, enjoy your new Ripped workout. Karen I love PH too.

Have a great day everyone!
Hello ladies-

Wendy- let me know how you like ripped. i can't wait to receive ripped to the core. did you try your new yoga dvd yet?

Karen- please pick up some things for me also;)

heidi- i always have DOMS from that workout;)

Kathy-your eating is great!

After two unscheduled rest daysx( i did HSTA. yesterday i never got around to working out as ds#2 is still sick.:( he was up until 2am throwing up. anyways...today i am back in the saddle. did HSTA for the first time and i loved it! i just adore cathe:) I am also planning (fingers crossed) to get to the gym later on this evening for a treadmill run.

Happy Friday to all that follow:)

Heidi: Good job on the DOMS!}(

Karen and Sunny: I liked Ripped. It's low weight high rep work with very brief stretches for each body part after it's worked. It includes abs ofcourse and another brief stretch at the end. It hits every muscle group and if you choose the correct weight there is no doubt that you will feel it. I enjoyed it MUCH more than the SS series which is what I was looking to replace. Debbie drives me INSANE! I should NEVER have purchased that. GRRRR. LOL The only thing I may use from SS is the stretch. I think I will sell the rest on Ebay one of these days....

Karen: I sent my list via paper airplane...did you get it yet? :7 :p

I actually ran to the food store this morning even though it has now left me with next to no time to clean up for the realtor at 1. ARGH!x(

I followed Ripped up with Box and Bounce-a rebounder work out ofcourse.;)

Ripped: 51 mins-avg hr 91-pk hr 120-cals burned 202
Box-n-Bounce: 22m-avg hr 120-pk hr 137-cals burned 182

At some point during ripped my neck started up again so I forced myself to take one of my pills when I was done. They are anti-inflammatories and they are sooo NOT good for you so I have been avoiding them. Up until today I was doing well with no or very little pain...so much for that! LOL I am going to stop taking them again as soon as the pain subsides....What a pain in the neck this is! LOLOLOL :7 :7 :7 :7 :p :p :p :p :7 :7 :7 :7
Sunnyd, I'm glad you feel better about getting a workout in. I haven't done HSTA yet, but I hear it's very well liked, as are most of Cathe's workouts.

Wendy, I hope that neck of yours keeps in check. Tell it to cut it out already! :)

I did PLB and either matched Cathe's weights or was 5lbs under. Then came the stability ball segment. My gosh, I have so much room for improvement it's not funny!! They all kept their hips off the floor but there was no way on earth I could do that. Still got a killer workout in though.


Do the ball work BEFORE the rest of the work out and I'm sure you'll see the improvement you were looking for!;)

I'll tell ya, I can't do the ab work from PUB AFTER doing any kind of U/B work out! I only do that ab segment on a "fresh" upper body now. It's just not worth it any other way cause I get no where fast on already fatigued arms/shoulders!

I have learned to never under-estimate Cathe's floor work! The first time I did PLB's stability ball segment I nearly died! Same with the GS floor work! I LOVE IT! }( }( }(
Well Wendy I will definitely take your advice for next time!!! Makes sense to me. I'd better put a sticky on that DVD so I don't forget. Thanks! :)

That stability ball segment would be a great stand alone workout if you were really pressed for time.


Hey thanks! The fruit and cool whip sounds super yummy but I must admit that it would be MUCH better as a dessert following that pizza dinner!:9 }( :9

I have used both PLB and GSL floor work as short leg work outs when I was working my legs 6 days a week in a pseudo-freestyle kinda way.:)

I actually want to get back in to that but I just can't phathom working my legs every day prior to running at this point...I'll give myself some more time to get acclimated to running and then maybe I'll give it a go again!
Wendy- i also sold ss. just didn't click with me. you are doing fantastic with all your running!

heidi- i ofen do the standing and floorwork of plb as separate workouts. after doing weights my legs are just too tired for the floorwork.

Karen- i'm with wendy on this one. bring on the pizza and the chips, umm, ummm

well at least i got done with half of cleanmax:( :) . still contemplating a run at the gym, hmmmm:D

Half of cleanmax is better than NO cleanmax, right?

I straightened up for the realtor but didn't truly CLEAN...just didn't have the time. I did, however wash the kitchen floor so I don't have to worry about that again until the dog or my DH messes it up again! LOL

I threw a load of laundry in before the realtor got her at 1 and it just occurred to me that it is STILL sitting in the washer!:eek: Better take care of that one pronto!:7

I hope that you make it to the gym today!!!

I'm not going again until next week. :-(
Wendy - yesterday when I was wishing for a rainy day, I was actually thinking how nice it would be to sleep in, read a book, and listen to the rain...I am tired and have not had a weekend home in a while

Karen - I hope for you a drop in the scale...I am concerned that mine is just strange....my clothes feel no different.....oh well - one pound at a time! I am also impressed by all those push ups!

So Karen and Wendy do you live close to each other? That is really fantastic!

Heather, be careful on your trip!

Heidi - Are you going to do the push up challenge?

SunnyD - Thank you for your encouragement! When I was doing P90X I got great at pushups but now I am back to normal --- goes to show you that you must keep up with what you want to do.

and so do all of you live by each other or am I missing something?

I will be gone all day tomorrow at a family reunion and you know, I am taking my food FOR REAL - I don't even want anything sweet!

Have a great Friday Night!

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