12 Week Challenge Check In 06/06


Ha Ha - I keep making the title longer and longer....

Finally - personals!

Wendy - I think I remember something about you selling your house? Getting a bigger one??? Your workout looks great! How is the neck this morning? I am sorry about Joey...I have the same problem...Kade is 14 months old and he is beginning to test limits already!!!! I don't my girl being anywhere as brazen as this little "toot" Don't feel like an oddball either....I don't click with Christi but for some reason my tagline at the YaYa's is a Christi quote - I think it was a pun I made and now it is attached to me like I do her all the time.....?

Heather - Looks like you are really enjoying your workouts!!! Thanks for the info on Still Jumpin!!! Have a blessed day!

Karen - How is your Grandmother this morning or yesterday evening and how are you?

Gail - Oh my, you and Heather should be so proud to conquer Christi....I cannot get through a single one of her workouts...she is too dancy for me -- I guess I am just an athletic girl....she loses me when she turnd the step vertical.....I just stand there and look at her with my mouth open and then I have lost it....

Heidi - I am hardly noticing the calorie reduction....I was just too full before so I am a bit glad I think it is all the starchy carbs though and not the calories....potatoes are VERY filling. I love Imax2 - I think it is one of my faves! Hilarious about the underwear...!

SunnyD - Karen Sessions is a femal body builder that does personal internet training for body comp, fit comp, and weight loss. She is pretty successful at it - her site is: http://www.theelitephysique.com/consultations/consultations.htm#wtloss if you want to go peek! I see you enjoyed your spin class!! WAy to go!!!

Workout for today:
I changed my cardio workout for today and did Amy Bento's ATeam Bootcamp cardio drills only almost all twice 39 minutes, 247 calories burned, HR 118 ave/153 max

Food For Yesterday:
M1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites
M2 - 3.5 oz grilled chicken breast, 2 slices home made whole wheat bread
M3 - 3 oz grilled chicken breast, 3 oz baked white potato
M4 - 3 oz tuna, 1 cup cucumber, 1/4 cup squash, 2 slices tomato in red wine vinegar and water
M5 - 3 oz grilled fish, 1 cup of cucumber and half a large tomaeo....I have fresh veggies from my little garden!!!

Ok, I feel pretty good today and I enjoyed my workout - have a lovely day ladies!
Karen- thanks for the info. how do you like amy bento's a-team workout? if you don't mind my asking, please don't feel obligated. i was just wondering why you are raising your gs?? again, if it's too personal please don't share. have a great day!
12-Week Check-in

Good morning! I was tired yesterday. My only activity was 10 minutes of gentle rebounding in the morning. I was planning 10 days of workouts in a row, but it appears that my body requires a rest day once a week now. I went to bed at 9:00 p.m. last night so I could get up early enough to complete my workout and watch Cathe on Good Morning America! Have a blessed day, and enjoy your workouts.

Karen, you are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Gayle, it is good to see you checking in again. I agree with you and prefer Cathe as well. She is not in any danger of the losing the title of my favorite video instructor.

Heidi, I love IMAX2. It is my favorite interval workout by far and one of my favorite Cathe workouts. It is actually one of my favorite workouts of all time with great music. That first song really gets me fired up and ready to work hard.

Wendy, I bought Still Jumpin’ on VHS last year. It was my first Christi Taylor workout. Like you, I did not connect with her at all. The workout was just not my cup of tea. I tried it several times and still did not like it. Not to mention, I could not follow her at all. I was baffled because I love complex choreography and learn Kari Anderson’s dancy choreography without a struggle. I finally figured out what I did not like about Christi’s video. Aside from the garish red set, there is a particular background exerciser who distracts me. Cardio Collectibles has a simple set with only 2 background exercisers (and not the distracting one). She also has more dancy moves in this one. Still Jumpin’ is not dancy enough for my taste. It is not athletic enough to be intense. If a workout is not pure fun, I expect it to be Cathe intense. Of course, Cathe is fun and intense! I am a hi-lo lover, and Cathe offers mostly step workouts. Step, Jump, & Pump is one of my favorite Cathe workouts. I would love to see Cathe do a fun and intense hi-lo workout. I do not have Maximum Intensity Cardio yet. Cathe is my favorite video instructor by far. Kari Anderson is my second favorite. She is very dancy. Christi’s Cardio Collectibles is a keeper. I will let you know what I think of her other workouts when they arrive. And you are not an oddball just because you do not connect with her!

Sunny, I am glad you enjoyed your spinning workout.

Kathy, I prefer Christi’s hi-lo workouts. I am not interested in her step workouts. I prefer Cathe’s style of combining dancy moves and power moves in the same workout. I expect step workouts to be workouts! If I just want to dance, I prefer to stay on the floor. Kari Anderson’s Body Tech is the one non-Cathe step workout that I love. The Cardio Collectibles step workout is not that complex, and Christi does not turn the step.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Sunny = I am confused -- what are my g's? I am not knowing what you mean?

I like Amy Bento's A Team bootcamp best of her workouts. It is upper average, however, the production is not comparable with the price -- I do like that it is chaptered and I have been contemplating selling but I may just keep it since I like the cardio. Some would classify her as advanced but this workout to me is high intermediate.
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good Morning Everyone Kathy, Sunny D, HeatherB. Today will be a speed interval run for me about 4.5 miles . Then I plan on doing 30 min of yoga and then my push up's. My biceps are a little fried today so will see if I can top 45. I hope I can do at least 46 but I don't know how the biceps are going to effect me.

I have a girl scout meeting with my co leader this evening at Denny's. Can anyone recommend anything good and healthy? If not I'll wing it. Have a great day.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good Morning!

Kathy, Yes, we are in the beginning stages of getting our house up for sale. It's a scarey thought! LOL
I think Sunny means your GS, Kade, BTW.

Heather, I can't work out for ten days in a row w/o feeling run down. Some can but some can't. Don't feel bad. You have to listen to your body. You will get better results that way anyway.

Karen, Something healthy at DENNY'S!? Girl, have you ever been to a Denny's before!?! :7 :7 :7

Well I'm going to the gym this morning...I'll be running and using the elliptical. I'm not sure how I'll do it but I know I am limiting my work outs to 20 mins on each machine. I have an ITrain 20 min w/o for each so I may just do them so that someone else can do the "thinking" for me!:p

Have a great day ladies!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good morning Kathy, Sunnyd, Heather, Karen, Wendy and everyone else! Looks like everyone is doing well, even you Heather who realized your body needed rest.

Today I'm doing, oh my goodness I just checked and it's Slow & Heavy Tri's & Bi's!! I'm a little excited because since falling off the wagon last summer, I have not done this workout. I'm debating doing it the way I usually use it, with putting more emphasis on the negative movement for more true hypertrophy, and taking 3 minute rests between sets, again for more hypertrophy. Hmmm, have to think about that.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Heidi :)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good morning ladies,

I am going to the gym later on this evening. I am meeting my neighbor for two back to back classes. 1) below the belt (lowerbody workout and 2. turbokick. why oh why, did i agree to two consecutive workouts. i dread super long workouts...ahh well.

kathy- i meant your grandson-kade. thanks for the review of amy's workouts. i've been on the fence about them.

Heidi-have fun with S & h tri' & bi's- i love that workout.
RE: 12-Week Check-in

good morning challengers!

today's workout: cathe's MIS-legs, bis,tris, and shoulders only. Then, I led my 45mins workout class. It was great!:)

Did anyone catch CATHE on GMA this morning??? I taped it, but it didn't record??? I don't know what I did wrong!!!!!

ya'll are doing great w/ your workouts!

take care:)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Heidi-Hope you kicked butt doing S&H! I don't have that one. I keep hemming and hawwing over wether I should get it or possibly go for P90X instead!}( }( }(

Sunny-A double header at the gym, huh? Have fun girl! I'll bet you make it through just fine! You are strong and you can do it! Now GO FOR IT!:+ :+ :+

Gloria-I didn't catch GMA...I had no clue she was even going to be on it until I got up AFTER it was over.:-( I must have been on another planet yesterday! LOL Great work out today, btw. :)

So I went to the gym and did IClimb 20 mins followed by ITread 20 mins. I covered about 2 miles per work out and burned just over 500 calories total. It was T-O-U-G-H!!! It's probably one of the toughest work outs I've gotten through so far since I started running!! WOW! ITread 20 min is super challenging on it's own because it's fast w/hills and sprints and all but to do the elliptical work out that pre-fatigues the legs FIRST!? OY! It was AWESOME!!!}( It's definately not something I will be able to do too often but it'll be a great "secret weapon" when I want a real challenge and body shocker!!!:)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi Gloria!

Ah Wendy, just get both S&H and P90X! :p S&H tri's and bi's was great, I just finished it. I LOVE the longer breaks between sets, it helps you to go heavier...or atleast stay with the same weight instead of pyramiding down! ;)

Great workout, sounds like a serious fat burner to me!

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Oh Heidi, I'm just going to add you to my ever-growing list of "ENABLERS" on this forum! ;) Everyone here is sooo good at spending everyone else's money! :7 :7 :7 Here is what I need to buy so far according to the enablers....

1) Bryan Kest Yoga DVD (actually already purchased and on it's way!:) )

2) jogging stroller-preferably used b/c it's cheaper.;)

3) S&H

4) P90X

Anyone care to add anything else to my list?? }(
RE: 12-Week Check-in

LOL!! Wendy, yes we are all very bad for each others budgets aren't we! ;)

Good shopping list by the way.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Sunny -- Can I say a big "duh"....it was a bit early. I don't mind telling you at all and I will try to be brief.....we live in an extremely rural area.....our daughter went to a small school with the same kids all her life a great group - however, she was not prepared for college - she went off and flunked, didn't tell us, lost her confidence.....she joined the Navy......small town girl went straight to the middle east after bootcamp, she was there 18 mos. Returned to US was stationed in San Diego for a while.....met guy also Navy.....guy didn't let her know he had girl back home.....she got pregnant, he got out of Navy.....went home married girl.....DD was without - she still had some time to go and couldn't bear to leave him of course we wouldn't have it anyway....so he has been with us since he was 6 mos old - he is 14 months old now and precious as can be....DD gets out in September and is enrolling in Nursing school. They will live with us until she finishes....that is the whole shabang. GS's dad has no idea what he is missing!

I have some pics here: http://www.picturetrail.com/kade0305 just a couple if you want to see his precious face!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

can't believe i am actually on here this late}(

Kathy- thanks for taking the time to indulge my nosiness:D . you are right, he doesn't know what he is missing. he is absolutely adorable!! you look great too!!

Wendy- i did it and can't believe it. i did get called out of class at one point as ds was crying and i had to console. i don't think i will do two classes back to back. did you forget to add jari love's ripped to the core}( . i too , have both s&h & p90x and wouldn't trade with either...heidi we are baaaaaaaad:D . i am also thinking of adding p90 masters. Wendy, you too are an enabler, now i must go check out those itread workouts you so loved today:D

tonight was yet another turbo kick instructor (they rotate) i loved her!! she gave a tremendous arm and leg workout.

have a great night everyone.
RE: 12-Week Check-in

I agree with SunnyD. He is missing out. Also to add to this. You are awesome. I'm sure your daughter knows this just like Kade knows. I have three girls and I know the care you give to them never ends. How great it is that you can share the raising of Kade even though it probably wasn't expected as in most of lifes events. However, God knew what he was doing when he sent your daughter and all of you Kade. What a blessing. Love the pictures

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Oh ladies...thank you on all counts - he truly is a blessing to us - you are making me teary "sniff"......have a good and restful sleep!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Sunny...Oh yes...The Jari dvd's! I forgot! LOL Actually, I decided on them on my own. There was no "enabling" there. That is the only reason I did not include them! :) Ripped is on it's way with the yoga dvd as we speak and I have the other 2 on pre-order at deep discount.}( }( }(
Good job on the back to back classes! :)

Kathy...You and DH are admirable for what you are doing for your DD and GS. Believe it or not, not everyone would be so willing to step in and take care of him! He is just precious!!! I would tell you to enjoy him but I know that you are!!!:)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Yes, you're a good mom Kathy, to your daughter, and to your grandson. It's people like you that make a difference in the world, by providing security to those you love.

Nighty night everyone!


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