12 Week Challenge Check-In 05/12


Morning all. As you can see I'm up early. I have a project to work on.

I did 30 min. of Rythmic Step since I'm pressed for time.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy mother's Day to all. I try to check back later in the day.

Ladies....I missed checking in yesterday....mega busy as every one else and late today, overslept.....which means no workout until maybe late tonight ----- I will catch up with personals tonight after little one is in bed - Have a fabulous day!
Good Morning Jean and Kathy and all who follow.:)

Yesterday I did a KILLER U/B weight work out plus abs.

Today I'm heading to the gym for a treadmill/elliptical work out.

I've been busy myself. Having a B'day party for my baby tomorrow so I've been doing lots to get ready for that. I'm very excited about this though preparing is stressful. I can't believe he's almost a year old already! I remember clearly when he was born and don't know where the time went! I wish time had gone slower though I was THRILLED when the midnight feedings stopped and don't wish them back! LOL :p

My eating has been fair considering. My weight is holding steady and my bf is a tad high this week but considering it's ttom I think I'm doing well!

Hope everyone is has a good friday and a great weekend! I will be pretty busy this weekend so finding time to work out will be a challenge. Wish me luck!
Hey Girls,
Thought I would pop in and say Hello...so..."hello":)

I haven't been working out much lately so there isn't anything to report.Well, I did weigh again today and I was 128.3 lbs and my BF% was 13.1. Not sure what I am doing right but it must be something:eek:
I have been feeling pretty good the last couple of days. Still lazy but the lump in my troat is almost gone.Yippee!!!

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing good. I can't wait to see the pics soon.
Good Morning Girls. Today is PLB for me and maybe a 3 mile easy run. I need to get some shorts for the girls so maybe a good run in the evening after shopping today.

Lori- glad to here from you today.
Wendy- HBday to Joey. Time does fly. My baby just turned 4.
Jen- good job in getting RS in
Kathy- Missed you yesterday.

Off to do the pymarids. Check in later

Good morning, ladies!

As many of you, I've been busy as well. Younger DS had his Pre-K graduation last night, and tomorrow is older DS's First Communion. I've been getting ready for tomorrow's big party for them both!

This morning's workout: Low Max, then shoulders and abs from PUB!

Sorry I can't chat more right now. My younger Sis is coming in from N Carolina this morning, and I don't want to be all sweaty when she hugs me! LOL

What a busy bunch we are!! I hope us mothers get special treatment come Mother's Day! This is a tight month for us but hubby said for Mother's Day he'll promise me a little bit of money towards a Cathe DVD...I'll take that!

Today is CTX 10-10-10 and hopefully some yoga. I've decided I'm going to do Cathe's July 2003 Fat Loss and Definition rotation starting Monday.

Have a great day everyone!

Lori, it was good to "see" you here this morning, glad your throat is feeling better!

Heidi :)
Yeah, Heidi, I hope everyone gets some peace and quiet time on Sunday. For MOther's Day every year, the boys and I usually plant our veggie garden. They're calling for rain most of the weekend, so the planting may have to be postponed a few days, but Sunday is going to be QUIET! I'm thinking of treating myself to another piece of equipment. I've been toying with the idea of getting a pull-up/chin-up bar or even the assisted pull-up machine with the extras (if I can find a good price).


Hi Gayle, nice treat you're thinking of getting yourself!!!! I'd like something like that some day.

Hopefully the forecast changes and you and your boys will have a chance to plant that veggie garden! Sounds like a great way to create memories!

Ok, I went ahead and just jumped on the treadmill for 2 miles after PLB. Who knows how the clothes shopping is going to go so I thought let's just get on. Now I actually feel better. Running loosened up the abductor work on the ball. Man those things get me. I remember when I first got the pymarids and the next day I could hardly walk. At least now they only hurt when I'm doing them but the next day I'm fine.

Hello ladies,

As with all of us, I am extremely busy today also. Got a work project i gotta get in, finsh cleaning my house (heidi, i got "cleanmax" from someone else here on the boards), so we are ready to leave bright and early in the morning for mother's day festivities with the family!!

Wendy--HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOEY!! I can't believe he's one already:) :) . I can clearly remember being on the preggo boards together in anticipation of one little ones.

This morning i did SJ&P, step,hi-lo and abs only.

I won't have a chance to check in anymore today or tomorrow. Happy workouts ladies!!

To all the Mothers-Have a great & wonderful Mother's day!!!:D
Hello there ladies.

Sunny, yes I remember the preggo boards well!:) When does your little one turn one year old? I don't recall how far behind me you were??

Here's my workout for today:

I went ahead and did the ITrain 40 min treadmill work out. I couldn't use any of the paces the instructor gave for walking, jogging or running as they were all wrong for me. I didn't want to walk and the jogging pace was too fast so I hung in between the 2 which, for me, was a great pace a jog/run...whatever it was that I did! LOL The work out was 40 mins long but I was on the treadmill for a total of about 55 mins and it broke down something like this:

min 1-5: slow walk before starting work out (3.5)
min 6-15: ITrain warm up (4.0)
min 16-35: ITrain work out (5.0-6.2)
*skipped ITrain cool down*
min 36-45: continued to run on own (5.0-5.5)
min 46-55: cool down (4.0-2.8)

I went a total of about 4.5 miles and I ran 3-3.5 of them! A first for me! Up until now my longest run was 2 miles! YEAH! It's the Itrain work out that pushed me to go father! She got me past my original 2 miles and then I kept going on my own for a bit when it was over! I was rather amazed with myself! :7 :7 :7

Well, I've eaten lunch while perusing the forums...now I must get some more housework done while the little guy is napping!

Catch y'all later and great job everyone!:+
Ok, I realized I haven't reported on my food for a few days...must start doing that again!!!

1) small small bowl of kashi cereal w/ff milk + 1/2 apple
2) veggie burger on ww bread
3) apple + lf cottage cheese
4) tuna sandwich on ww bread

Hope everyone's friday is going well!:)
12-Week Check-in

I am checking in very late tonight. Yesterday was an unplanned rest day. I still felt too lethargic after work to exercise. This was my official rest day. My weight has not gone back down yet, and I am still bloated. This is a temporary bump in the road, and I will keep pressing on. Tomorrow is a new day with fresh mercies.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hey Ladies - still here but will probably not be able to post much this weekend - I have lots of company coming, I am cooking a Mother's Day brunch today for MIL who will be here with nieces, nephews.....- My Mom will be here tomorrow and I will be out of town Monday night....whew; I think I will get to rest some on Tuesday afternoon. There will be lots of opportunities to over eat but I am cooking all healthy as both my MOM and MIL are very health conscious....the guys will have to eat healthy or fend for themselves!!!!! Anyway, I have a salad medly planned for brunch today with some of Heather's bread!!!!! I am off to the store for needed items -- thank goodness Walmart is open 24 hours!!! Oh, and I did Yoga Trance Dance (New Shiva DVD) this morning for Yoga. AWESOME production value - wonderful Yoga workout too -- love it -- everyone have a wonderful MOther's day if I don't get to post!

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