12 week Challenge AKA shrinking violets Sun July 10th


I was really busy this weekend -- sorry!

Good Morning - I am just still tired BUT - it is my check in day! Hope to post more later:

Beginning Stats Weight 140 BF 29%
1st Week Weight 138.8 BF 28%
05/26/06 Weight 136.8 BF 27.4%
06/02/06 Weight 141.3 BF 28%
06/07/06 Weight 137.4 BF 25.3%
06/15/06 Weight 140.6 BF 23.8%
06/21/06 Weight 139.5 BF 25%
07/10/06 Weight 139 BF 24.4%

*sigh* -- Not near what I wantd to see but at least I am headed in the right direction.....

Plan for the Week
My plan for this week:
M - CTX Delts, CC3 on the rebounder repeating for 60 min HIIT , 76 min, 503 calories burned, HR 74% ave 97% max - I didn't quite make my 60 min of HIIT -- I was too pooped to go back and repeat the first challenge....
T - Kick, Punch, and Crunch, floor work from FIU
W - CTX Back, CC4 on the rebounder repeating for 60 min HIIT plus warm-up and cool down
T - CTX Chest, TJ Fat Blaster 3 times for 60 min of HIIT
F - CTX Bis, CC5 on the rebounder repeating for 60 min HIIT
S - CTX Tris, Imax last two segments twice for 60 min HIIT
S - Yoga Shakti - Lunar Flow

Food for Yesterday:
M1 - Oatcake and egg whites
M2 - Potato, grilled chicken, almonds
M3 - 96/4 Lean Hamburger patty, spinach and tomato salad, almonds
M4 - Chicken breast, green beans
M6 - My treat meal -- Grilled sandwich with tomato soup.

I only lost one pound from the beginning......
Quick check in but I"m here. Today I will be doing Kelli Roberts body bar challenge. I love this video. I use to do it all the time. I need a good all over in 60 min kind of workout today.

Kathy you're mostly certainly headed in the right direction.

I have been steadily working out even though I haven't had a chance to check in. This week I will be hoping to do it more often again. I finished dh's paper last night. I think it's pretty darn good.

Good morning to all my other challengers. I like Shrinking Violets as well.

Good morning all

Kathy, Wow, what a nice drip in body fat. Even though you've only lost a lb on the scale, you have really accomplished alot.

Karen, glad you have been steady with your workouts. I haven't been good lately. Grab a workout here and there. I need to refocus. Insurance is suppose to look at DD car today, so maybe once we have that all behind us, I can get back to a schedule.

Hope everyone has a great day.

G'morning Ladies.

Kathy, Don't get down on yourself. Remember that what the scale says is the LEAST important of all! Your body fat is going down so I'd certainly call that an accomplishment!!!:+

Karen, Welcome back! Glad to hear the paper is finally done! Have fun with your work out this morning! Oh and BTW, the wheat thins I bought are STILL in the house! I didn't even open them until after I got back from vacation! LOL :7

Jean, So what's on tap for you today?

I have a f/b weight work out and either a TM run or a spin class planned for this am and then tonight is my class.

Have a great day!
LOL Karen!:7

Well I did one heck of a work out today considering I STILL have to go to running class in 10 mins!}(

16 reps x 3 sets of a ham, quad, inner and outer thigh machine
32 reps on roman chair
Fast paced 3 mile TM run-done in 29.51 mins!!!!:+

50 weighted walking lunges
MM u/b push pull premix
MM ab work + stretch

I think my body is going to be rebelling against this class tonight! :p
hey ladies,

quick check-in as it is late and i've still got stuff to do tonight.
i did 3 miles on the treadmill and worked my back & calves at the gym with dh.

have a great night everyone!

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