12 Week Challenge 05/31


Oh my -- the end of May!!! Another day I have no time for personals -- sorry -- I love to converse but just am behind today! and I am copying from my journal....sorry..

Workout for Today
TJ Fat Blaster plus 1, 2, and 3 twice/Yoga from Book. With Warmup and cool down 40:42 minutes at 2:2. 254 calories burned HR 117 av/154 max.

Ok, I received Jari Love's Ripped to the Core last night and have to do it tomorrow plus I had to change my cardio -- jumping rope is strenous so I moved it to my non weight days.

Food For Yesterday
M1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal, 6 whites
M2 - 4 oz turkey breast, 2.5 oz sweet potato, 2 almonds
M3 - 3.5 oz chicken breast, 1/3 cup brown rice (3/4 c prepared), 2 almonds
M4 - 3.5 oz grilled sirloin, 1 cup sugar peas, 11 almonds
M5 - 4 oz tuna, 1 cup grilled squash, 1 tbsp peanut butter

I am so missing my whole wheat bread!!!!

Kade is much better -- he slept all night and was in a good mood before bedtime. We went to the doctor yesterday and he has a sinus infection -- a little medicine and he is getting better already -- he is so cute! It is back to work for me with tons of work piled up - everyone else will be caught up but I will two days behind instead of one -- that is OK! I look forward to doing Jari Love's Ripped to the Core - I know it will be good!

Have a fabulous day and I will do personals as soon as I can!
Hello everyone.

Kathy, No worries about the personals when you are busy! Glad Kade is feeling better. Hate it when little ones are sick. :-( Let us know how Ripped to The Core is!

I have my long steady state run scheduled for today. I am lookin' at 3.5 miles again. }(

Hope everyone has a great day!:)
Hi Kathy and Wendy and All to Follow! It's hump day already!!!

Kathy glad your little one is feeling better.

Have a great run Wendy. Do you enjoy running? I just can't get into it. I'll walk for more than an hour, but I just don't like to run.

Well I got thru the weekend without much damage. I didn't workout Sunday or Monday tho. So I did Lowmax yesterday and that kicked my butt back into gear literally!

Today is Powermax which I don't have so I think I'll do SB and then a powerwalk before it gets too hot again.

Hope everyone has a great morning.


Hey there Kali.

Yeah, I like running but I started on a treadmill and for me, that is key! I went out for ONE outdoor run so far, last friday, and let me tell you...If I didn't have the treadmill to start me off, I NEVER would have continued. Road running is MUCH harder. If you want to start running, the best thing to do is use a treamill IMO. I am going to try to get in one outdoor run a week for practice and it will probably take me a while to do on the road what I can do on a treadmill!

Have fun with SB! Gosh, I haven't done LM in ages! I just did BC yesterday after FOREVER...guess I need to add in LM now!}(
That sounds like a good plan Wendy. I used to have a treadmill years ago and sold it (BIG MISTAKE)! Once in a while I run across an intersection and I'll keep running for a bit and think "this isn't so bad". I guess I could start the walk a block run a block thing again. The only thing is my knees bother me at times (which scares the crap out of me) and I think that would just aggrivate them. I'd rather do stepping.

BC was on my rotation for Sunday I think but I skipped it. (shame on me) but I'll get it in at some point as a sub for something else I don't have. I'm only on week 2 of my rotation. Don't be suprised if I quit and do the June rotation if it's up my alley! What is it with us and rotations??? LOL!

Talk to you later. Gotta get the boys ready for school.


I don't have room for a treadmill in this house...that is one of the reasons for the gym membership! I am actually lovin' headin' out to the gym a few times a week. Being a SAHM, a gym membership is like GOLD! It gets us both out for something other than grocery shopping and things like that. When the time comes that I am back in the work force f/t I may give up my membership cause having to go to the gym with the chickens before work or at some point after work just isn't my thing...though that may change...who knows! Anywho...I'm babbling now!:p
Good morning Kathy, Wendy, and Kali, and everyone else!

Today is GS Chest & Triceps, and I'm supposed to do a segment of Coremax which I don't have. I'll have to pick an ab workout from one of Cathe's other workouts.

Hope everyone has a great day!

12-Week Check-in

Good morning! I did the cardio and stretch from Timesaver 4 again last night. I did Timesaver 2 again this morning. I love Step Blast now. Learning the choreography was hard but worth it! What a fun and intense workout!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good Morning Ladies. I'm so behind this morning. The phone kept ringing. UGH!!! Anyway I manage to get in gymstyle back shoulders and bicpes. Then some ab work from Karen Voight and then Stretch max plus some specific stretches for my it band which is acting up. Well, come to think of it I did get some things done. I'll check back later after i get get some breakfast.

Kathy- Gald Kade is doing better.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi ladies,

so much to do, so little time...

i woke up early this morning and did the leg press mix from ME. also planned on doing legs & abs at the gym this a.m. well ds#2 is sick. he's been sick for the past couple days. he threw up twice before trying to get out the door so, i decided to keep him home.
sigh---i was so looking forward to working legs at the gym. oh well, i am hoping i will be able to do gs legs (thank the good Lord for homeworkouts) sometime today.

right now i am in the midst of spring cleaning...i know, i know got a late start;) however it's garbage day and i am finally getting around to de-cluttering my home.
also got some things i have to do for work.

so, last night i did the turbo kick class at the gym again. it was a different instructor and she did more aerobics than kickboxing. music was great but her class stunk. kept having us do moves that stuck our butt out, which i just think was for the benefit of the male onlookers..ugh. i was so disappointed. the lady that taught last week only teaches every other tues. so i will only take the class when she is teaching.

if i don't get a chance to check back in today. i hope everyone has a fabulous day!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hey everyone! Sunnyd, too bad about that bum class (pun intended!). Don't blame you for favoring the other woman's teaching style.

I did GS Chest and Triceps today, my triceps were on fire and my chest muscles were involuntarily (sp?) quivering towards the end. Then I did ME abs which of course was good.

Trying to drink lots of water, I've been doing okay with that but there's room for improvement.

I hope everyone is having a successful day!
Heidi :)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

hello everyone!:)
I'm back from my mini vacation to san antonio this past weekend. we left saturday and came back late last night! we went for my nephew's wedding. GREAT food, great music, great company and GREAT drinks!! hahaha!!

saturdays' workout: rest
sunday's workout: ran 3miles, 10min on ET and 5mins on the WAVE!
monday's workout: ran 25mins-short on time
tuesday's workout: did some sprint running and walking
today's workout: cathe's MIC
tomorrow is powerhour! woohoo...finally some strenght training!

Ladies: about the TM...I totally agree. I started walking, progressed to walking/running and now i am running!! woohoo!! outside is totally different. I do suggest that you do it at least once a week.

ok, school is out here and I have officially started my summer vacation!!! woohoo!!!! I'll try to post more often. I LOVE reading ya'lls posts!!

take care:)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Heather, Great work out! Glad you are back in the saddle and doing an excellent job!:)

Karen, Hope that phone finally stopped ringing! I hate that too! LOL

Heidi, I love ME ab work and the GS upper body series is KILLER..in a GOOD way ofcourse!}( Good job girl!

Sunny, Lovin' that gym just like I am, huh? It's great having both home and gym options for a work out...it almost gives us NO excuse to miss one!:eek: LOL :7

Gloria, Great work outs for being on vacation girl! When I go on my Cruise in June I plan to use thier gym. I walked 30 mins every evening before dinner when I went on the cruise for my honeymoon. I hoping to do ATLEAST that again. It really helped me to get through the week w/o any serious set backs. :)

I got to the gym this morning for my 3.5 mile run like I wanted.
I did a half mile warm up-3.5 mile run at 5.5 mph in 38 mins which burned about 400 calories }( -then a half mile cool down for a total work out of 55 minutes.

When I got home I did StetchMax on the ball. Aaaaahhhhhhh! :+
Hello all

This morning was B O D Y M A X. Oh my!!! I had never done the whole thing at once. I'm not sure I can even count doing the whole thing at once today, because I had to stop, rewind etc. but man what a workout. I need to try to do this one once a week.

Wendy, when we went on our cruise, I used their gym every day but 1. It sure helped keep the "all access" food under control. As for the running outside, I always heard people say it was easier outside than the TM. I found that to be the opposite. Outside I seem to go slower and get worn out faster.

Gloria, San Antonia sounds wonderful. I haven't been in several years. We get to Austin about once a year to visit friends, but usually don't have the time to go on to San Antonio.

Kathy, glad to hear GS is feeling better.

Heidi, I love it when my arms feel shakey (unless I’m driving to work LOL)

Sunnydelite, sorry to hear you have a sick one too. Hope you get in the leg work you want.

Karen, great job on the workout. Hope IT band works its self out.

Heather, Step Blast is one of my favorites. It took me a lot of rewinding to get the steps down.

Kali, running/jogging is still a chore for me, but I still like. Hopefully I will continue to improve. I pick it over step on the days I don’t want to concentrate.(Basic, Step turn, Stradle etc.vs left right left right... LOL)

Hope everyone else is having a good day.

Jean, way to go on doing Body Max.....it's eye-popping the way it goes on and on! Definately not one for the weak hearted!! LOL!

Jean: I find running on the TM MUCH easier than on the street! OMG, it's no freakin' contest in my mind! I don't even think it has to do with the fact that I STARTED on the TM...I really don't. I just think it's tougher...ALOT tougher...in the street!:eek: I am hoping to get outside for the 2nd time this weekend. Hopefully I can add another minute on to my running to make it 7 mins run/1 min walk this time. We shall see....I'm gettin' tired just thinkin' about it! LOL

Karen: BM is one kick-arse work out girl! Put it on your schedule soon! I know you can do it!!! }(
You would have no problem catching on Karen, the choreography is not complicated at all. It's the length of the workout that's tough! :)


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