12/16 Ectochicks


Hey ladies,

How's everyone doing as we move into the final stretch before Christmas?

I'm feeling a little under the weather, so I'm going break from my strength/endurance five workout a week plan and just do Power Hour three times (Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday) with relatively light weights.

Hope everyone's doing well!

Hi all!

Angela - that sounds like a good plan to me!

I must admit that I took 3 rest days last week. Friday, one of those days, I spent an hour moving my daughter and all of her belongings out of her dorm room, from the third floor mind you. And then when we got home, we had to unload the car. So let's pretend I can count that as a mini-mini workout!;)

But Sat. I did Leaner Legs, Sunday the cardio portionof Step & Intervals. So my new week is off to a nice start. Here are the rest of my plans. I'm going to try to maintain until the end of the year, so here goes:

Mon- Power Hour or Power Circuit
Tue- Rhythmic Step, speedwork
Wed- PS:BBA/bi's and abs only, PS:CST (shoulders and tri's)
Thu- Step & Intervals
Fri- Long run
Sat- Rest/Pilates or Yoga

I may change this. I'll have to think my week over tonight. That's something I forgot to do once again - plan my new week over the weekend, this way I don't second guess myself or make changes during the week.

Time to get out of here

Have a great evening!
Hey, E-Chicks. This week is the same plan as the last 2 weeks. Firm Classics and more Firm Classics. Did 9 of them last week and only 2 Winsors...no TM interval blasts. But, I plan to do 9 Classics, 4 Winsors and 4 TM's this week. Last week, I lost 3 lbs. and that's with me eating very, very badly...picture Dom Deluise with PMS. And, I don't even have PMS. :D Yes, I'm seeing some changes and it's making me giddy.

Angie, yes...moving furniture and belongings from a 3rd floor is considered a workout and a half. :*

Angela, sorry to hear that you're feeling kinda puny. Take care of yourself. Easing up is smart.

Waves to all other E-Babes!!

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
Hi Everyone,

Man Robin you are really incredible. How do you handle those 9 FIRM classics do you do 2 together? Or one in the morning and one at night. You go girl!!!

Last week was a great one got all six days of workouts in and felt great. This week is more of the same endurance and strength split. Kids all have a cold, AGAIN, and I'm praying the baby won't get it or I'm sure I'll have to miss a workout. And then I'm a bear. I didn't get to the interval sprints yet, hopefully this week. I figured if I didn't get a workout in because of sick kids, I will stick an interval sprint in somehow and then I won't be so crabby.

Everyone have their shopping complete??? I'm close, but not quite. Have a great week and take some time to sip some tea and enjoy the holidays.

Briee :-jumpy
Robin! I'm wondering the same about your workouts from last week! How do squeeze in so many classics in one week?! Those are some pretty tough workouts, especially Volume 1 and 2 and 6! Sheesh!

I was just thinking today that with the extra days I'll have off I should get up early and do some cardio in the a.m. and then later squeezing in more cardio or some weights. I have these stubborn abs that just won't cooperate with me any more! Already trying to figure out how to squish in an extra ab session or two!

I did power circuit this morning, except for the back work, (did ps:bba last night) so tonight I think I'm going to either get on the stepper or do rhythmic step. Not too sure though, my head is still hurting. I think I need to pop a migraine pill and if I feel up to it a little later get on the stepper (less moving around, no jumping, hoping, skipping or plyos).

Talk with you all later,
Hey, you two. My Classics schedule is like this:

Tues: Vol 1 in a.m. and Vol 6 p.m
Wed: Vol 2 a.m. and Vol 5 pm
Thurs: Vol 3 a.m. and Vol 4 pm
Fri: Vol 2 am and Vol 6 pm
Sat: Vol 1 am

Only 2 more weeks to go of this, but it's really not that hard.

Just this a.m. someone from church asked me what I'd been doing cuz I'm looking like I've lost wt. WOO HOOOOO!!!!

Angie, according to Francine, that Cardio Guerilla Fatblaster interval thingie that she posted is supposed to really help get rid of ab fat....and it's very short, so easy to get the workout in.

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
Wow, how grueling is that? I don't think I could do it. Is the Firm easier than I recall? (After being "whooped" into shape by Cathe, that is?) "Back in the day" I could hardly make it through most of those tapes. I bet they're a bit of a cake walk now, aren't they?

Hope I can fit in a Cardio guerilla this week. Wish me luck. I think I'm still doing what I was doing before. But Robin (you little devil }>) you're tempting me.

It's my anniversary on Sunday. What kind of nut-ball gets married on December 22? Me. 18 years ago.

Have a stress free week, okay, ecto's?


PS-Ijust KNOW that Cathe is "secretly" getting those DVD's printed up and mailed to us by the 24th. Yup, I can feel it in bones. ROTFL.;-)
Hey, Julie, the Classics are actually a bit easier, now that you mention it. I still keep an oxygen tank close by while doing them, but don't seem to need it as much as before. :D I think Cathe and just working out in general with Firms/Cathe/others for the past 1.5 yrs has upped my endurance so I'm not gasping at the end. This is turning out to be fun and I'm having good results. Also, I'm glad to know that I can work out 2 hrs per day.

How's everyone doing? Ready for Christmas? We are ready here and all I have to worry about is if I can get in all my exercise sessions. Oh, and keeping watch for my new Cathe DVD's. You did say they'd be here by the 24th, right Julie?????? :*

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
Yes, about the new vids, that's exactly, absolutely correct. You will go to your mail box on the 24th and there it will be. I guarantee it.

Hmmm . . . the 24th. It seems I've got until then to find a freakin' "My Size Rapunzel Barbie". Wish me luck.

I'm all ready starting to worry what I'm going to do for exercise with all the kids home next week. I wonder how good of a workout chasing teenage boys outta the kitchen could be. Could be quite challenging especially if I plyo-jacked across the floor at them. (They are so used to how "weird" mother is.)

Oh Robin, I didn't realize you are/were an ER nurse. I bet you have fabulous "strange but true" stories to tell.

Have a great weekend Ecto's across America (and the world)!;-)


PS I'm wondering if maybe Sue/WD isn't an ecto. Whadda ya think?

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