RE: Yes! Sometimes I just stand there and watch it!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-02 AT 01:13PM (Est)[/font][p]I always follow 10/10/10 with either Kickbox or All Step the next day. Don't get me wrong, I think Kickbox kicks butt, but it always fatigues my upper body more than my lower. All Step for me is all about focus so that I don't send my step or myself flying across the room (rock, hop turn, pivot mambo, triple turning, ETC!) I always am so caught up in either the arm drill intensity of Kickbox or the intricate footwork of All Step, that I forget how hard I am working. But 10/10/10 is a killer! I was so proud the first time I completed all of the airborn jumps! The first few times I did this video, I just stood there guzzling water, watching Cathe in utter amazement as she bounds off of the floor so effortlessly. And for the record, the last time I did CTX Kickbox, I punched myself in the forehead during the uppercuts. It left a red mark so I told everyone at work I bumped into the wall in the dark. LOL!