sts pull-up & dip bars

  1. forum_admin

    STS Pull-Up & Dip Bars Are Now Back In Stock

    Our STS Pull-Up & Dip Bars are now back in stock. All pre-sale orders will be processed today, but because of the size of this shipment, UPS will not actually be able to pick up until tomorrow as it requires a larger box truck. Also, if you haven't ordered yet make sure to do so soon as we have...
  2. forum_admin

    IMPORTANT - Cathe STS Pull-Up & Dip Bars Update

    Cathe's STS Adjustable Workout Dip & Pull-Up Bars are now on a cargo ship and should arrive at the New York port by June 8th. We expect to have them in stock soon after the ship arrives. If you want to take advantage of our Megs Boss Sale now (Our biggest sale of the year!!!), you can order now...