sts 2.0 pull-up & dip bars

  1. Lady Vol Fan

    Help! Demo and set up video for STS dip bar set?

    I know there was a demonstration video posted at some point with Jenn sharing how to assemble... but I can't find the post. :( Does anyone have the video to repost? Or can someone from customer service please post it again? I want to be ready to rip open that box when it gets here!! Thanks!
  2. forum_admin

    IMPORTANT: STS 2.0 Pull-Up & Dip Bars will arrive at our facility on June 18th

    IMPORTANT: STS 2.0 Pull-Up & Dip Bars will arrive at our facility on June 18th and we plan on shipping all of the STS 2.0 Pull-Up & Dip Bar pre-orders on or about June 19th. If you want to take advantage of our Megs Boss Sale now (Our biggest sale of the year!!!), you can order now and we will...