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  1. F

    Broken foot at 5th metatarsal but NEED to workout

    Hello all, I broke my foot about 2 months ago(slipped off bench at 5:00am workout doing BODYMAX, sheessh). I thought it was just a bad sprain so I kept working out with an ankle brace. My foot would swell a little but I could manage. I am also a black belt in TaeKwonDo so I continued to...
  2. F

    What Cathe has done for me!

    I will be 45 years ago this May. 12 years ago, my wife and I had been members of a local gym and had done step aerobics and lifted weights. After we started having children (2 boys ages 10 and 6), going to the gym was not practical so we started exercising with videos. We started doing Step...
  3. F

    Does anyone know what the songs are in Lowmax?

    In particular the songs that play during interval #6. I know the first part is "Shout" by Tears for Fears but I can't seem to place the second song played but I love the funky beat.