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    Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm his butt...

    RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ... >Well, Cathe always does instruct her participants to watch >the workout once through before actually doing it ... > >And yes, I agree your kitty is gorgeous. I absolutely love >cats! HA! That is too funny :) Tess/Joyce- Anze...
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    Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm his butt...

    I swear I did NOT pose him.. I was setting up my weights and when I turned around I had to run to get my camera...
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    SNM question...

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    SNM question...

    Sorry, I know this has been asked a million times but can you tell me the email addy to change my mailing address for the preorder? Thanks!
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    Music question

    Hi Shelly! Geeze its been a rough year hun. I lost my grandmother, my mom was in a hit and run accident, one of my cats died in July and my mom, Steve and I have been trying to move to Coney Island. I'm sorry I haven't been around-- I miss everyone terribly. Cathe- Its funny you mention...
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    Music question

    Hey there! The clips look great! However, I noticed you didn't use any "known" music for this workouts. Is that something permenant or are you going to mix it up in the future? Thanks :) Susan
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    Cathe, because you are an animal lover...

    Just wanted everyone who suggested I go there that the candle light vigil at was beautiful. I baled through most of it but it was a wonderful experience to be united with so many that have lost furrbabies recently.
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    Cathe, because you are an animal lover...

    Thank you siren.. there is a big hole. I actually called for him today when I got home from work and then started crying. I will be at for the 10PM candlelight vigil. I submitted Alex's name for their tribute. I want to be angry at myself for not being able to save him, angry...
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    Cathe, because you are an animal lover...

    Thank you for your kind words. It is very hard not to beat myself up because I feel like I should've protected him. I will check out the link you sent me. Also, I added some more pictures of him if you want to see them at my picture trail account. I had to find something to do other then sleep...
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    Cathe, because you are an animal lover...

    I have to share the following with you. I've cut and pasted this from a few different boards because the grief is alot to write about again. However, I know how much you love your animals and the work you do and really wanted to share with someone you can understand. You don't have to respond...
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    Cathe, What about during interval blasts? Thanks!
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    Cathe... Push/Pull Supersets advice needed...

    Hi Cathe! I cannot believe you remember me that well from the trip! That is incredible :) Thank you so much for your response and kind words about my journey. Thank you for the rotation.. I will let you know how it goes. :) Susan
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    Cathe... Push/Pull Supersets advice needed...

    looks like the thread just missed cathe!
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    Cathe... Push/Pull Supersets advice needed...

    Thanks! Im going to check out fitness freaks rotation. I did use the ub and lb blast in the rotation I created. Hopefully Cathe will chime in.
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    Cathe... Push/Pull Supersets advice needed...

    Thanks for the suggestions ladies. I've come up with a rotation, if you'd like to see it. However, I'm still hoping Cathe will weigh-in.
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    Cathe... Push/Pull Supersets advice needed...

    Hi Cathe! I didn't know if I should email this question to you or post it on the boards. I know you are probably on overload right now with all the new projects you have going! The announcements about your DVDs/Roadtrip (eventhough I didn't sign up in time!) is all very exciting! The roadtrip...
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    Advanced RT Training with the new workouts

    missed her again! doh! :-( I'm also very interested in this question. PS-- Hi everyone! Sorry I've missed you :( My grandmother is going through a very hardtime and I haven't had much board time! Susan
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    when and where?!
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    <---Everybody have fun tonight

    <--- waves good afternoon to everyone <--- just did Gym Style Back and Shoulders (I do biceps with triceps) <--- thinks Michele should get all that she can afford <--- thinks IMAX3 is a great challange that FLIES BY! <--- tells Michele that ^^^^ can always be modified <--- wonders how...