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  1. B

    FIT TV wants your input

    1. Mornings from 10am-11am. 2. Usually workout daily Mon-Saturday 3. a) More workouts that are strength based. It's mostly all cardio. And show the "fitness fantasy" stuff only in the evenings. Sometimes I want to do a quick 30 minute session and all that is on is non-exercise shows. b)More...
  2. B

    post partum check in week of April 18

    Welcome Lisa. I am new here too. I am breastfeeding my 10 month old daughter. Let me just say that your doctor's advice was bunk. It may be the case if you are dieting to the extreme, but not healthful dieting. A helpful book on postpartum weight loss is "Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell...
  3. B

    How do you fit in your workouts?

    Hello all! I am brand new here. My daughter is 9 months old and I've STILL yet to lose this baby weight. No one to blame but myself. I can't afford a gym right now so a personal trainer friend of mine recommended Cathe and I got a DVD for Christmas. In the last month I've broke it out and used...