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  1. S

    O/T: makeup question

    I really like Bobbi Brown. Her whole philosophy is based on a natural look. It's usually only in upscale department stores though like Nordstroms. You can look on the Bobbi Brown website (i think it's just to see if there's anyone near you.
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    walking program with powerbelt

    Hello all, Does anyone use a powerbelt? If so, is it enough to be a strength training workout? I'm trying to get back to a walking program and am having a hard time fitting in strength with it so I was considering purchasing this. Also, does anyone primarily walk for aerobics? If so...
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    Why is it that heavier people are so critical????

    This is a very controversial subject, and I have to agree with the earlier comments that criticism is usually rooted in some type of insecurity. And I agree that criticism by coworkers isn't acceptable. What I wanted to comment on though is that asking why heavy people are so critical, or...
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    Cathe, substitution for tubing strap?

    I was wanting to know this too, and if weights can't be substituted, what length of strap is appropriate? Thanks!
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    Hi Heather, I'm new to Cathe too but wanted to say hello and welcome. Good job on quitting smoking, that's great! Staci
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    childs weight

    Hi, One thing you could check out and see if interests you--it's They offer an online course about nondieting and accepting yourself, and it's run by a dietician in Canada--by non diet, that means healthy living rather than do nothing. They offer a course for teenagers, and...
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    childs weight

    Hi Slim, Oh, I feel bad now. I hope you didn't think I thought you don't accept your child! I think it's obvious how much you love her that you're posting here about trying to find ideas to help her--and admirable. I think my own parents accepted me and were trying to help me as a...
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    childs weight

    Hi, I was overweight as a child and my dad took me to Weight Watchers when I was 7. Twenty five years later I've finally quit dieting. The sad thing is I eventually grew out of my chubby stage but just didn't know it--I was too busy trying to have a figure that wasn't possible. My dad had...
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    Hi everyone, I was just reading Linda's introduction (hi Linda) and thought it might be a good idea for me to introduce myself as well. I'm generally a lurker but for some reason this forum keeps compelling me to post--you're a great group of people. So, I guess I'm officially out of...
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    OT--Need help from mystery readers

    Thanks everyone! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your opinions and support. This really is a great forum. Danna, I like both of your suggestions, particularly the second one. Debra, it's great to meet another mystery writer and that you're active in RWA. I have a friend who's...
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    OT--Need help from mystery readers

    Hi Carol, Thanks for the input! And nice to meet a fellow writer. It is a tough field isn't it? What are the titles of your books? I'll go look them up. I always love to find new authors I havnen't read--and support a fellow writer. Thanks again. Staci
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    OT--Need help from mystery readers

    Hi all, I'm a mystery writer and am titling my latest book and would love to get some opinions from any mystery readers out there. I'm not published--YET, but am hoping this one is it. My main character is an Air Force special agent who travels to Qatar to investigate the murder of her...
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    Advice please:-)

    Hi, I don't have any workout advice, but just wanted to drop you a note to say good for you for finding something to concentrate on while your husband's gone. I'm a military wife too, and the past couple of years haven't been easy but it makes all the difference in the world if you take care...
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    Messge to Kathy S P90X

    Their latest newsletter (today) offered 15% off for previous P90 or SI6 buyers. Tried to copy the links from teh newsletters--see if these work.,2,21,2,21
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    power 90x

    RE: Not that I'm an enabler, but... Hi, There's a link on videofitness under bargains that will link you to the 15% off.
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    personal trainers

    There's one I can tell you to stay away from and that's Take Action Fitness--the guy is qualified but overpriced and doesn't follow through on what he says he'll do. I spent quite a bit of time researching this and one I think that looks very good and reasonably priced, but haven't tried is...
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    what are your hobbies..besides fitness???

    What a great topic! Gives me so many ideas for new things to try. I love walking my dogs, reading, playing golf with my husband, trap shooting and scrapbooking. I used to do yoga and one time I told this group that yoga and shooting were my hobbies and everyone got a hoot when someone...
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    Is anyone resigned?

    Wow, I went out to get groceries and came back to all these interesting posts! 40 something, I think you completely missed my point--what I was trying to say is that sometimes dieting in itself is much unhealthier than being overweight. I also don't agree with you that being overweight...
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    Is anyone resigned?

    An interesting tidbit to consider regarding whether losing weight actually is healthier for you. In the Framingham Heart Study which monitored 5000 people for more than 40 years, people who lost 10 percent of their body weight had a 20 percent reduction in risk of heart disease. HOWEVER...
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    Is anyone resigned?

    I've finally given up on dieting after 25 years of it--and I'm only 33! I've finally figured out they don't work. It's a hard thing to do though to just accept yourself after all the years of trying to change, so I've enrolled in an online course called HUGS which is all about the non dieting...