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    Thoughts and Prayers for Beverly (run4fun)

    Beverly, Please accept my sincerest condolences for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Dorrie
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    IF you had to choose one of these books...

    Which one would you choose? Eat to Live or Eating for Life (BFL).I have a 25.00 gift cert to Amazon and am interested in both of these. Which one do you think is the better of the two and why. Thanks for you advice. Dorrie
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    Let's all.....

    Hey everyone!! Sorry I missed this thread. Thanks sooo much for all of your heartfelt wishes!! I had a wonderful day. Did PUB for my workout. Then my DH gave me a dozen roses, a beautiful card and took me out to the cheescake factory for lunch. (NO I DID NOT EAT CHEESECAKE!:-) )...
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    breast reduction: exercise or surgery

    I am by no means any type of expert. But I used to be a 44 DD. I also used to weigh 265 pounds. Through diet and exercise (alot of exercise) I am down 110 pounds. My breast size is now a 38 D. So I do believe that diet and exericise will help decrease the bust area. Just my 02.:-)...
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    Is this the week???

    I'm crossing fingers for tomorrow. My 38th birthday is tomorrow and this was my birthday present for me.:-) Really, really, really looking forward to this series. (Can ya tell)? :D Dorrie
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    cathe- premixes

    Hi, I am relatively new to Cathe, (only a year), but count me in as one who loves all of the options you provide on your DVD's. The pre-mixes IMHO are invaluable and I use them frequently. Cathe puts out the best DVD's, which is one of the things that sets her apart from everyone else...
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    Cathe made the Dallas Morning News

    :-) I don't post often,(maybe this is my 2nd time), but while reading the healthy living section of the Dallas Morning news this morning they had this article on Cathe and Step Blast. I...