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  1. B

    Loose skin from stretched belly

    Thank you all for your input. I so want a tight belly but feel like I too maybe "gentically" composed to just not get it back to normal. Althought, my youngest is 22 months and I breastfeed, I still believe there is more time for it to tighten. I am using cream to help, to no avail though (no...
  2. B

    Loose skin from stretched belly

    Well I am starting to feel like, what else can I do? I do work the abs and have a healthy diet. I mean my youngest is 21 months, how long does it take?? Some people told me to give it up, since I have kids. And others say to bump up my workout, but I think I work out enough. Thanks ladies for...
  3. B

    Loose skin from stretched belly

    Hello, Im new to Cathe and just love her videos. I only own one, but am looking to always expand. I currently feed my 21 month old. He breastfeeds often (he's not a big eater other then breastmilk). I am 5'5 and my weight is 114lbs, so pretty good body fat. HOWEVER, I have some loose skin around...