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  1. S

    Cathe's Videos and DVDs on Sale in the UK

    I've actually managed to get in touch with Cathe's customer services who are sending me a replacement disc free of charge and apparently, because it's a replacement disc, I won't be charged any import fees. So that's pretty good. But thanks for the recommendation for CK Sales, I'll try them...
  2. S

    Cathe's Videos and DVDs on Sale in the UK

    Fab, thanks guys - I'll give it a try! :D
  3. S

    Cathe's Videos and DVDs on Sale in the UK

    Hi Cathe, I live in Bristol, England and I recently ordered your Classics Volume 1 DVD. Firstly, I must say that it's definitely the best step DVD or Video that I've ever come across! I was thoroughly enjoying the Step Jam but unfortunately, three-quarters of the way through, the DVD is...