Search results

  1. S

    Sweating bucketfuls!

    :( Gosh, Deborah, that's not what I wanted to hear. I've always sweat A LOT when I've worked out or have done anything physical. I, too, have been sweating buckets lately (at an air conditioned gym). I've been working out consistently since mid April sometimes doing 2 workouts a day. I...
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    RUDE Awakening

    RE: RUDE Awakening......Michelle Hi, I'm not Michelle; but Lotte Berk (as I understand it) is similar to Callanetics and ballet and pilates--kind of like they're all rolled into one. If you go to and type in 'Lotte Berk' into the "Search by Keyword"- (the second box) you'll...
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    WW or BFL?

    Here is an awesome website that will link you to everything Weight Watchers including the Wendie Plan. Hope it helps. ;-) Sarah
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    Hi pace1987, I understand your predicament but in the opposite way. I started recently with step tapes and absolutely fell in love with them. At first I was thinking, "gosh, this would be A LOT easier if the video instructor had their back to me so I could see exactly what I had to do". But...