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    What do you think 50 feels like?

    Turning "50" Hi To All I turned 50 the beginning of September. I have never felt better. According to my 28 year old daughter, I am looking the best I ever have. I was always thin, now I have some definition in the muscle department. I stopped smoking back in January [I take 1 day at a time on...
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    Whole Foods?

    Susan P - You Made Me Laugh Susan, In my dull office, sitting alone here, I read your post and laughed my firm glutes off. Very funny. Thank You - I really needed that. Louisa
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    Age and working out

    Just Turned "50" This Month Hi Everyone, I was quite suprised to find that there are a good amount of mature people out there taking care of themselves by woking out and sharing their expertise with all of us. I have been reading about you guys for awhile but would never have guessed your ages...
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    Re: Cathe v. The FIRM

    Mixing Up Video Workouts Barbara, Some collection of workout tapes!! My husband is freaking & I only have about 25 tapes. I need some help on mixing-up the workouts, right now I play pick-a-tape. I am holding my own but I feel I must be doing something wrong after reading [this tape for this &...
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    All Abs tape?

    All Abs - All Right Cathe, I too would like you to compile an all AB workout routine so I can do some sort of exercise daily. There are times I just can't do a full routine, but my Abs "I" feel I must work everyday. The Ab routines from your existing tapes are great, so on my off days I would...