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  1. J

    Body changes after mid-thirties

    Susan, I'm Talking Dear Susan: I am now 39 and have 2 boys, ages 3 and 8. I lost about 7 pregnancies in between the two boys. I would get pregnant then 3 weeks later would lose the baby. I sometimes ovulate, sometimes don't. Anovulatory cycles produce heavy bleeding. Now that I take...
  2. J

    Body changes after mid-thirties

    Get Your Hormones Tested!!! I know I sound like a broken record, but having my hormones tested showed the doctor I was not crazy. I went for 4 weeks of tests to see how all of my hormones were reacting throughout a full cycle. I was showing all of the signs of perimenopause even at the age of...
  3. J

    muscle mass and body weight

    I Win I Win!!!! How bad is that??? My first experience with weighing in heavy was in Grade 6 when we were weighed and measured. I looked super skinny and weighed in at 102. The teachers couldn't believe it and made me stay on the scale for an eternity to check the right weight. I now weigh...
  4. J


    Eat Right for Your Blood Type I have tried every type of diet in the world and with varying success. About 3 years ago, while breastfeeding my 2nd son, I was experiencing constant hunger, weight gain, and I looked really bad. (Lack of color in my skin and bad skin). I picked up Eat Right 4...
  5. J

    a question on estrogen

    What type of progesterone was studied? I saw mention of this study. ERT is normally done with synthetic estrogens and synthetic progesterones. From what I understand, synthetic progesterone can mimic estrogens so one gets a double whammy of estrogen. Also, the study shows slim women who...
  6. J

    a question on estrogen

    Progesterone vs. Estrogen Before you believe what the media has to say about estrogens, you should read Dr. Lee's books on Menopause and Perimenopause. Many doctors prescribe estrogen for almost any female problem, when it is usually a lack of progesterone. Our body are bombarded by estrogens...