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  1. J

    Feedback on DVD Chapters

    Carol LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-00 AT 03:09PM (Est)[p]I lodged my complaint to SNM, as a customer I deserve that right. However, I don't reserve the right to be called a "vicious complainer" because I lodged my complaint, especially since their was no viciousness involved. One thing all business...
  2. J

    Feedback on DVD Chapters

    You really didn't answer my questions You gave an emotional defense intended for your Forum Audience, but the fact remains: 1) There is no announcement on you homepage regarding the shipment of the DVD’s, when there was one for the videos (equal treatment or different?) 2) Updates, were given...
  3. J

    Feedback on DVD Chapters

    SNM I have some questions Needless to say, I'm very frustrated with the way SNM has handled the DVD's. 1) Why is there no announcement on the front page telling us the DVD's are shipping (I recall the shipping of the videos were front page news)? Why were DVD orderers given second-class...
  4. J

    To SNM - Regarding Forum Forum (hic)

    Okay I admit I did have one drink (that's where the hic part came from). But I checked it again and had my teenage son double check me (just in case that one drink did more than I thought). But it's right where Leah says it's at, when you click on the *new messages*. The double word is on...
  5. J

    To SNM - Regarding Forum Forum (hic)

    Why do you have the word Forum repeated in 3 out of the 4 Forums? For example "Ask Cathe Forum Forum", Open Discussion Forum Forum" and "FitMoms Forum Forum". It very redundant. Can you please delete the second Forum word? Yeah, I admit it's a little nitpicky, but it's late on a Friday night
  6. J


    Variety is the Spice of Life While it's true that at first I'm only watching Cathe. After I've done a tape a few times, I like to watch the other members of the Cast. I think I can get through some of Cathe's tougher tapes by picking someone in the background and identifying with them. I...
  7. J

    Cathe DVD has Programming Errors

    Step Works is actually Chapter 1 (although it says Chapter 3) and Power Max is 3 (it says it's 1). Also, the Titles in each Chapter are off by one. Chapter 1 is actually 2, and 2 is 3, and so on. I finally figured the errors out though. I just wanted to give you a heads up in case it hasn't...
  8. J


    Where's VF? I could get in this weekend, but I kept getting booted out of the Forum or it would get hung up in a thread and then I would have to reboot. So I gave up. And now I can't even log in at all. I get those darn guidelines then nothing else. Has anyone talked to WWWendy today...
  9. J

    Tae Bo vid: Reckless?

    Very UnProfessional Meriam, I thought your remarks were thoughtless and very unprofessional. Particularly, the one about Shellie being Anorexic. This is a serious disorder and should not be thrown around so loosely. I thought you post presented many stereotypical remarks, such as: younger...