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    Do you have problem with traps getting big? FIRM VS Cathe- switching?

    Hi, I was looking at old photos of myself and had a long thin neck and almost no trap/visible neck muscle. I have lost 85 lbs in the past 13 months and still have about 50-60 or so to go. I have noticed lately that my trap/neck area is almost football playerish. I have been using the FIRM...
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    How to get back in shape ater baby

    Hi Cathe! I just had my 4th baby 5 weeks ago and will start working out this week. I have not done anything in 6 months due to complications during my pregnancy so I am way out of shape. I also have a lot of weight to lose. I have never gone this long wihtout working out and have lost...
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    Anybody want to join me for a weight watchers check in?

    I had my 4th baby 5 weeks ago and I joined weight watchers last tuesday. I was wondering if anyone else here does weight watchers and wanted to do a weekly check in? I'm hungry but realizing this program is totally doable if I plan carefully. I can't wait until Tuesday for my first weigh...
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    Help, I'm MORE swollen now 5 days post partum than when pregnant

    Is this normal? I'm not nursing and my milk came in FULL FORCE today and I am very uncomfortable today and in pain because of that. What worries me though is that my ankles and calves are HUGE, you can't even see the ankle bone. Shouldn't the swelling go down by now? This is my 4th baby, and...
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    Rachel was born on 12/2!!

    The baby came :) She was 7 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long at 38 weeks. She would have been huge if I went past term. I was induced at 38 weeks because my first 3 babies came VERY fast between 38 and 39 weeks and I live a long way from the hospital and the Dr. was afraid I would not make it...
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    I don't think my belly can grow any bigger!!

    Oh my gosh, my belly has exploded in the past week! It is HUGE and I'm having trouble walking, at 35 1/2 weeks I am much bigger than I was with my other 3 kids even though I have gained less than 1/2 the weight. Maybe everything is stretched from them. I even have these bright red strech...
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    Can new step topper be used for FIRM tapes?

    Do you all think the new step topper would be appropriate for FIRM tapes?? or is the top too small?
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    Has anyone gotten their highstep and new DVDs?

    I preordered some new DVDs and the high step. Even though I can't use them until after my baby is born in December I still want to have them in my house and can't wait to preview the workouts! Has anyone gotten theirs and if not do you know when they will ship?? thanks Marci
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    My baby's birthday will be 12/1

    Yeah, there is an end in sight!!!! My first 2 kids were VERY fast labors - with my second I almost did not make it to the hospital. So with my 3rd my Dr. induced me at 38 week (my first 2 babies came on their own just after 38 weeks). Anyway the inducement was great because I did not have...
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    How do you check and respond to private messages?

    I got some emails that people have private messaged me and I really want to answer them but I have no idea how to get into and how to respond. Can someone help me?? Thank you!! Marci
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    Need to vent- ignorant people

    I need to vent here. I am SO frustrated at ignorant people that think that unless you are a size 2 there is no way you could workout or be in shape. I keep my step hidden behind my couch when not in use and my DVDs and videos in an out of sight cabinet in my enternatinment center so I don't...
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    Amnio results, and its a....

    I got my amnio results. First and best of all, all the chromosonal tests came back normal. Yeah!!! I had posted before I got pregnant how much I wanted a girl (but of course, I would have welcomed a boy, the reason for my preference was I have 2 boys and 1 girl already and I really wnated...
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    I'm showing way to early anyone else show early?

    I'm 14 weeks along with my 4th. I know its only one baby since I have had 2 sonograms already. I swear, I look like I am 18 or 19 weeks along, I am just popping SO early and am already wearing maternity pants. I'm kinda worried about how big I'm going to get. I have not gained any weight...
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    Anybody ever have an amnio??

    I did not have one with my first 3 but due to my age now I'll be having one this time. It is set for 7/1. I am nervous about the pain and nervous about complications. My Dr. has done over 1,500 in his 11 years of practicing and has only had 1 miscarriage and that lady he said was already...
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    I had a sonogram today

    I went for my first prenatal visit today and the Dr. did a sonogram to date the pregnancy. I'm 8 weeks but the thing that just amazes me is seeing the heartbeat. You would think that this being my 4th baby it would be old news for me but it was just as exciting as the first. It just amazes...
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    I'm expecting my 4th baby :)

    Yup, number 4 is on its way :) I'm a little worried about my weight though. Do you all know what the minimum amount of calories I can eat during my first trimester is without hurting the developing baby?? I am nervous and excited all at the same time. It won't seem real until after my first...
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    Hey everyone!

    Hi! I have not been around for a while. I feel bad for suddenly dropping out of the weight loss check in. I have had a really hard time motivating myself latey and have been dealing with some personal issues. Anyway, I wanted to say hi to everyone and let you all know I'm still out there and...
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    Is it possible to choose baby gender?

    Now first I want to say I would love a boy or a girl, I have 2 boys and one girl and love them to pieces. When DH and I are ready for another we would welcome either. But if I had a choice I would love another daughter so my daughter could have a sister. My sons already have a brother and...
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    laser hair removal

    Has any one done this? I would love to do this for my bikini area and never have to shave and have those awful bumps again. I know its pricey (I had a consult today, I went to the dermatologist for something else but her partner does laser hair removal so I got a price and asked some...
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    Weight loss check in week of 1/26

    Where is everybody?? I was surprised to not see a check in started. I hope I am not duplicating someone else's effort here. I lost another 2 lbs this week. I am down the 195. I am NOT going to jinx myself and say I'm on a roll, but I am pleased with the numbers. I actually took out the...