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    No yoga when menstruating?

    Thanks for posting the link to "A Woman's Balance: Inversions and Menstruation," by Mary Pullig Schatz, M.D. - I had come across the article before when my yoga teacher said to avoid inversions during menstruation, and I was somewhat skeptical, like many here. But Dr. Schatz' explanation seemed...
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    Sheila -- Any insight on pelvic floor muscle recovery??...

    RE: Some more info on pelvic floor rehab and Kegels Hi - sorry it has taken me so long to respond - I have been so busy with work and my family, that I rarely have a chance to go online - but yesterday was my last day at work (yeahhhh!). I took a 3 day certification course in Pelvic Floor...
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    Sheila -- Any insight on pelvic floor muscle recovery??...

    RE: Some more info on pelvic floor rehab and Kegels Oops - forgot an "n" in the Website address. It should read: www. It always bothers me when people or articles suggest stopping the flow of urine in order to learn how to do a Kegel exercise -...
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    Sheila -- Any insight on pelvic floor muscle recovery??...

    Some more info on pelvic floor rehab and Kegels I have found a great article, "The Bastardization of Dr. Kegel's Exercise," at www. It is not an article for the casual Kegler, but for those wanting to know more about Dr. Kegel and his methods for...
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    Has anyone viewed any of the Strollercize videos? Are they worth it?