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  1. M

    About the Exercise Calendars???

    Yes, I'm glad I didn't send her any money either. I got them emailed to me. I think that really sucks that no one got theirs after they sent her the money. I agree that it's a good thing it wasn't more than $2. Machelle
  2. M

    About the Exercise Calendars???

    Debbie, I received the calendars from her, but when I transferred them onto my zip disk, the only one that didn't come out was August. So they did come out originally. Machelle
  3. M

    About the Exercise Calendars???

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-02 AT 10:09PM (Est)[p]oops
  4. M


    Me too, please?? Thanks so much!! Machelle [email protected]
  5. M

    Fitness Calendars Anyone?

    Yes, these are different from the rotations. These are really just ordinary calendars with fitness themes for every month. I liked them a lot. I am surprised that no one has responded. Here's the thread that I'm referring to, and as you can see, there were quite a few people that inquired...
  6. M

    Fitness Calendars Anyone?

    Come on, I know SOMEONE that's still on this list has gotten this calendar. She got several requests for it (over 75 I believe). PLEASE someone send this to me? I've gotten no response when I've emailed her to re-send them. Thanks again. I guess I'll just have to do without or make my own...
  7. M

    Fitness Calendars Anyone?

  8. M

    Fitness Calendars Anyone?

    LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-02 AT 12:50PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-02 AT 12:49 PM (Est) Hi, I was hoping someone could help me out and send me the fitness calendars that I think Cydie4fitness made up? I lost them when I switched computers. She used the Microsoft Publisher program to create...