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  1. J

    when can i test?????

    hey ladies! happy friday :-) so my question is i had a hcg shot on the 2nd and an iui in the 4th. i pretty sure i ovulated on the 4th. so when can i test. tomorrow to soon?
  2. J

    Breastfeeding and period?

    I also have pcos. she has almost weaned herself, well really i think she could care less. i just try for my sake i guess, she will nurse maybe if i'm lucky once a day for less them 5 minutes. i'm kind of sad, but i guess we are closer to being able to have another. my goal is to have 3 kids by...
  3. J

    Breastfeeding and period?

    Before I had my little one either I had the never ending period, not to heavy, that would last for months. My doc did a D&C and I didn't have a period until I started provera.
  4. J

    Breastfeeding and period?

    Thanks for all the replies!!!!! My little one seems to be to busy to nurse. She had rather see what's going on, play, crawl around, get into trouble ...... She really loves her sippy cup these days! Anywho, I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens, man I hate waiting }(...
  5. J


    Hello!!! My liitle girl is now 9 months. But I was right with when she was little. Hang in there. It does get easier, much easier. Don't be hard on yourself. Think about what your body just went through. Just do the best you can. One more thing is, take in all these baby days, they go by so...
  6. J

    Breastfeeding and period?

  7. J

    Breastfeeding and period?

    Thanks!!! I'm going to have her weaned in the next month. I have a doctors appointment on March 12th. So I hope to start provera or something again!
  8. J

    Breastfeeding and period?

    I have a 9 month old that I'm still feeding once a day. I still have not had a period yet. When does it come back? I suppose it wouldn't be a big deal but we are ready to have another baby! I had to take provera and letrozole to get preggo with our first. I didn't have a period before. Do...
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    which ones should i get?
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  12. J


    Hey, I was just wondering if any of ya'll had to take provrea and clomid to get preggo with the 2nd baby. Right now i'm breastfeed our 7 month old. WE really want to get oreggo again when she is weaned.My question is how soon were you able to start the drugs after weaning? Baby Dust for...
  13. J

    Announcing STS - Cathe's Next Filming Project!

    Is there going to be any cardio?
  14. J

    Cathe, you look Awesome!

    So what's was you rotation that you did to look so good for the new DVD's?????
  15. J

    tae bo?

    what are so really good kickboxing/tae bo videos? i'm ready to get new videos/dvds and need help finding advanced ones.
  16. J


    Hey! I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems. Man it's hard! But anywhoo, they first said that I have PCOS. But I really don't think so, but what do I know! All my bloodwork is normal. I don't have weight gain, oily skin, my face does not breakout, hair on my upper lip or back or belly...
  17. J


    Thank you so much for lifting my spirits! Yes, I'm seeing a RE. He is the best in Louisville. We both have been tested. My hubby's serm is great. The priblem is that I don't ovulate. First they tried estrace and provera, thinking that if I have a normal cycle I would start to ovulate. Not so...
  18. J


    Anybody suffered with infertility? I have been going though treatment since Feb. I have been taking letrozole to make me ovulate. I went for an ultrasound today and still no mature eggs. It has been pretty hard to deal with. I'll trying to keep a smile on my face and not to loss hope. I know the...
  19. J


    Anybody suffered with infertility? I have been going though treatment since Feb. I have been taking letrozole to make me ovulate. I went for an ultrasound today and still no mature eggs. It has been pretty hard to deal with. I'll trying to keep a smile on my face and not to loss hope. I know the...
  20. J


    My doctor tells me I will need to take it bacause I do not ovulate. When I'm off the pill I bleed all the time! NO FUN!!! But the nurse told me I will have to be off the pill for a month before I can start taking the clomid. I'm not going to start it until May, I'm in a wedding so Im going to...