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  1. M

    Power Hour or Pure Strength?

    Please help me choose which video to purchase. My goal is to get lean and strong, not bulky. I have no discipline when it comes to lifting weights so I need something to motivate me and keep me focused. How are PH and PS different?
  2. M

    Is it just me?

    Hi Kelly, You and I are in the same boat. I've lost ~15 pounds and am trying to lose 10-15 more. It's been incredibly frustrating lately. I succumb too many times to overeating and then overcompensate by exercising like a fiend. What kind of workout do you do?
  3. M

    Is it just me?

    Hi Shanda, I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I identify with you completely. I have to be on my guard constantly. One or two days of slipping up and it shows in my face and legs. At times I get depressed thinking about it. But, hang in there. I have to remind myself...