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  1. S

    Have to Apologize

    Ladies... I have thought long and hard about this post over the past weekend. I am leaving this post to let you know I sincerely apologize and hope you will forgive me. I guess I didn't realize there were so many people so close to the staff and other things on this board. I meant...
  2. S

    More Fit People in New Videos?

    Alright.... "only childish people go on forever".... hmmmm take a look at the 25+ messages that go on and on. You tell me who goes on forever. As far as getting along with other member boards you are so wrong! I have been a member of many. I was on a pregnancy and bedrest board off of...
  3. S

    More Fit People in New Videos?

    I can not believe you guys. You all are entitled to your own opinions, as am I. However, don't you think you are going a little over board? Come on' why is this a board filled with people so insenstive, insecure and judgemental that an innocent person can't post a simple opinion or idea...
  4. S

    More Fit People in New Videos?

    Geese... you guys are are a tough crowd! I meant nothing like how you took my comments! I too still love to see the women that are in the videos. They can definitely kick my butt when it comes to step. All I was saying is it would be great to see some more toned women. Sorry to ruffle your...
  5. S

    More Fit People in New Videos?

    Hi there Cathe. I absolutely LOVE your videos and am a huge fan. However, I have one comment in that I think it would be great to see a few more very fit people in them (people like you). At first I liked the "mom" look many of them had, because I felt that I could connect and didn't feel so...