Search results

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    Looking someone who have done or going to do tummy tuck...

    Dear readers, A long while ago, I got to read a message from a lady who was going to do tummy tuck or liposuction in a week or so and expressed her feeling to us. I would like to know how the surgery went and how that lady feels after the post op. Is she happy with her result? I would...
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    My cancer ruined my 2 years of hard work

    Thank you everyone. I have been feeling so much better. I have finished my last chemo on June 11. My hair is grazing the surface of my head and my body is feeling stronger. I started to exercise with Cathe again. My physical condition is not where I want it to be, but I keep plugging it...
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    My cancer ruined my 2 years of hard work

    Thank you everyone for your heartfelt support. I am looking forward to my new beginning in June when I am done with last chemo. Thank you again. Na Anderson
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    Cathe, I'd love to see a new 16 week fat loss plan!

    I would love to have the new 16 week fat loss plan send to my e-mail. After my ovarian cancer treament ends in early part of the June, I'd love to start that plan. Thank you. Na Anderson [email protected] :-)
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    My cancer ruined my 2 years of hard work

    Dear Cathe I don't know if you remember me. I was doing so good getting in shape and doing an awesome job at weight training with you, but I injured my r shoulder and had to do surgery on it and became diagnosed with the ovrian cancer back in Feb. and will get my last chemo in June. My body...
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    shoulder injury

    Dear Cathe, Thank you for your encouragement. You have a happy new year too. Na Anderson
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    shoulder injury

    Dear Cathe I have injuried my shoulder with a severe bursities about over 2 months ago and have not been completely pain free ever since. I had 2 cortisone shots into my R. shoulder joints, but it is taking so long to heal. Have you ever had injuries like this? If you have, did you recover...
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    worth joing the gym

    Hi, Cathe, Every morning when I work out with you and your crew, I think about when I will be able to remotely look like you. I am 33 with 2 children and one c-section and started to using free-weights for 15 months now. I am frustrated because I do not see the definition I am looking...
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    New Video Poll

    Hi, Cathe, I would like to see more of 60 minutes of step and weight combination exercise, 60 minutes straight step, and weight training by each workig areas. Thank you for your creative work. na Anderson
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    Cathe Gear Coming Soon!

    Dear Cathe, I would love to see your exercise outfit lines. I hope you make them afforable and fit women with sagging top and loose skin around the belly area. Na-Young Anderson
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    Dear Cathe, Thank you so much for a such detailed workout instruction. I have made a copy to take with me. I already told my husband that I will be taking light dumbbells with me. We will be taking our camper for this trip. This will be our first a long trip with the camper. Thank you...
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    I will be going on about 2 weeks vacation with my family. We will be driving most of time. I exercise 5 days a week with you in the morning, but I won't be able to take you with me on my vacation. I am afraid that my strength and stemina will diminish after a long break. I would like know...
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    I need an advise on how to become a personal trainer/aerobic instructor

    Hi, Cathe I have used your tape for about 10 years now. I am interested in becoming a personal trainer/aerobic instructor, but I am not so sure how to go about become one. I don't what type of training I need or certification. Please, I would appreciate your input or expertise. Thank you for...