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  1. L

    Question about heart rate monitor reading while stepping

    I'm a certified Heart Zones Blue Jersey cycle instructor and the responses here are excellent. For more information on heart rate training and using your heart rate monitor effectively, check out this website: Heart Zones using this formula for figuring...
  2. L

    Wish me luck, friends!

    How did it go? Let us know! Linda
  3. L


    Anna, A good alternative to the Ricochet move would be a 3 knee repeater. Linda
  4. L

    Aquajock - a couple of ?? about your aqua classes

    Ok - just sent you an e-mail.
  5. L

    Aquajock - a couple of ?? about your aqua classes

    Aquajock, I've been teaching aqua classes for many years and would love some new ideas for my classes. When you get a chance, could you post some of what you do in your classes? I enjoy reading your posts on Cathe's forums. Thanks. Linda