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    Anyone workout with Gilad?

    Thanks for your replies! What about Arms of Steel/Legs of Steel? Those tapes seem to get good reviews and may be more challenging than his cardio routines? -A
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    Anyone workout with Gilad?

    Hi! I have one of Gilad's older step videos (the one with the silly parrot!). It was very basic, but it got me confident about doing step, and you have to agree that Gilad is an enthusiastic (and very cute!) instructor. I am a Cathe fanatic now, but I am wondering if any of you work out with...
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    Who else do you workout to?

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone uses Gilad's workouts? I have one of his step workouts- simple, but it got me into step. I think he is so cute, and he is fun to workout to- but do you think his workouts are too easy? -Amy
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    The Compendium has been emailed

    Hi! I would like a copy as well: [email protected] Thanks so much! Amy:)
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    Anyone use a pedometer?

    Thanks for your reply! What type of pedometer do you use? I read on the internet that Consumer Reports rated the Omron HJ-112 Pedometer number one... Apparently it is very accurate and counts steps when you walk or jog, and even counts calories for you! I am thinking of getting this one since...
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    Anyone use a pedometer?

    Hi! I just bought a Sportsline pedometer at TARGET, for only $6. But I don't think this particular model is very accurate. Do any of you use one? -Amy
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    Breakfast tips for those of us who dislike eggs?

    Hi! I need to get up very early to head to work each AM, and I have a hard time motivating myself to make an eggwhite omelet that early... It's not the time factor- I just don't have the taste for 'em! I am trying to increase the protein in my diet. I also need to lose 10-15 pounds, so I am...
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    Planning to get pregnant... need advice!

    Hi, We are thinking about starting our family... in a few months! I am about 10-15 lbs overweight, and I am working hard on losing the extra pounds. Is there any specific exercise plan you recommend for getting in shape pre-baby? My friend really recommends doing exercises to strengthen the...
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    What do you think of p90X?

    Hi, I have done some reading on p90X, and some of you are doing this plan. What do you think of it? What do you think of the nutrition plan? My goal is to lose ~15 pounds, and I need to find a good plan to follow! I am an avid Cathe exerciser, and I have purchased part of the Hardcore series...
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    What do you think of TAEBO?

    Thanks for all of your replies! There are some TaeBo's on eBay, so I think I will try one out. :-) Amy
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    What do you think of TAEBO?

    Hi, I got introduced to kickboxing through Cathe's Cardiokicks, which I love... I also have Powerstrike. I was thinking about trying a TaeBo workout, but I am not sure which one to start with- seems like there are varying reviews. Anyone have a specific recommendation? Thanks! Amy
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    Anyone tried the FitSense speedometer?

    Hi! Have any of you runners tried the FitSense speedometer? Apparently, it gives you instant feedback while you run about your pace, distance, calorie burn, and heart rate, as you run or walk on the open road. A foot pod on your shoe tracks true speed and distance...
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    Powerstrike 3 DVD reviews?

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. Why do you prefer Mill 2? -Amy
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    Powerstrike 3 DVD reviews?

    Hi! Never done Powerstrike, but I like CardioKicks. Which Powerstrike video is the best? I prefer DVD, so what do you all think of Powerstrike 3? Amy
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    Exercise bras?!?

    Hi! Can anyone recommend an exercise bra with good support? And where are good (affordable) places to shop for 'em? Thanks! Amy