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  1. C

    Is Muscle Endurance an Advanced workout

    Hi! I'm looking to add onto my small collection of Cathe videos and would like to try something a little more challenging than the Pure Strength. Boot Camp looks exciting, but not sure of the ME that comes with it (DVDs). I would love to hear your opinion. Susan
  2. C

    Freestyle training

    I recently heard of Freestyle training. Have you heard of this type of training before? For example, doing hundreds of lunges for 10 weeks (with no weight), after the 10 weeks,then use some weight, but do around 16 reps. Does this type of training really work? or does it just not make sense? The...
  3. C

    slow and heavy workouts

    I have all the Pure Strengh tapes. Would it be necessary for me to have the slow and heavy workouts for more of a challenge? Or should I try using heavier weights with the PS videos? Not sure if they are similar workouts. Thank you very much.