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  1. H

    Could you give up cardio?

    It isn't "one's opinion"; ask anyone who knows BFL and they'll tell you the same thing. Sorry you were bored, but you got out of it exactly what you put into it.
  2. H

    Could you give up cardio?

    RE: Touchie touchie people Exactly, KB. Edith, nowhere in BodyRX does it tell anyone they have to "give up cardio". It's completely optional. It didn't work for me, I don't enjoy it, so I don't do it. But if you want to, fine; however, I suggest you don't go trolling in groups that you don't...
  3. H

    Could you give up cardio?

    RE: No; wouldn't if I could I'm also living proof that BodyRX works. I'm 42, 5'2 1/2", 112 pounds at 12% BF. I lift 4 days a week (about an hour) and have not done cardio since last May. My resting heart rate is low, my blood pressure is about 100/70; my carrdivascular system is just fine, thanks.
  4. H

    Could you give up cardio?

    RE: No; wouldn't if I could I'm also living proof that BodyRX works. I'm 42, 5'2 1/2", 112 pounds at 12% BF. I lift 4 days a week (about an hour) and have not done cardio since last May. My resting heart rate is low, my blood pressure is about 100/70; my carrdivasucalr system is just fine, thanks.
  5. H

    Could you give up cardio?

    > I did the Body for >Life program once and I >followed the workout program except >for the weights. The weights are the most important part of BFL. But I agree, diet makes all the difference for most people.
  6. H

    Could you give up cardio?

    > I did the Body for >Life program once and I >followed the workout program except >for the weights. The weights are the most important part of BFL. But I agree, diet makes all the difference for most people.