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  1. F

    substitute workout

    I am currently doing Cathe's March 2014 rotation, step moves is on the calendar. I don't have this one I subbed step fit, but do you think rhythmic step would have been a better alternative?
  2. F

    best time to workout

    I know this is an age old question, but when do you guys think is the best time to work out? I find I have more energy in the mornings but more focus in the evenings, anyone else feeling the same?:cool:
  3. F

    newly vegetarian

    Hello fellow Cathletes, My new year's resolution this year is to get a handle on my eating again namely by adopting a 98% vegetarian diet, (I do allow my self to eat eggs).I am looking for a good protein alternative besides beans, nuts, tofu etc, anyone have any suggestions? I also forgot to...