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  1. yoginiju

    Chest Exercises

    Thanks for your feedback. I'll use a mirror to check my form.
  2. yoginiju

    Chest Exercises

    I'm on the 2nd mesocycle of STS and I've come to realize that I've never felt my chest muscles on any of the chest exercises. Push ups, chest flies, bench presses... Nothing. I only feel those exercises in my arms and front of my shoulders. And not in a good way. I almost immediately...
  3. yoginiju

    Does anyone do STS legs twice a week?

    Thanks all for the information and suggests! (I thought I'd posted this earlier but it's not showing up.)
  4. yoginiju

    Does anyone do STS legs twice a week?

    I was wondering if anyone did STS legs twice a week instead of just once? Does anyone else feel they need more lower body work each week? One of the reasons I'm asking is because I had knee surgery last summer, and I have to work my legs or my knee starts to hurt (talk about serious...