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  1. J

    Announcing the Grand Opening of Our New On Demand Streaming Video Portal

    Has anyone tried to stream from a Samsung Smart TV? I'd love this service but that's the only way it would be useful for me. I know my tv has internet capabilities but I'm not exactly sure how to use it. Or does it work with a Roku? I'd buy one of those of it's an option!
  2. J

    Help with public speaking

    I just got done with a public speaking class. I am a terrible speaker, I got an A- in the class but it was based on more than just our speeches. This helped take some of the pressure off. My first speech I was so nervous I was visibly shaking, pure white, and I thought I was going to vomit...
  3. J

    Help with Nutrition Topic for Research Paper

    Hi Everyone! I have to write a paper for my nutrition class and I can't think of a topic, I thought maybe this would be a good place to ask for help. It has to be 5 pages long. The professor didn't give us any other guidence other than it needs to be a nutrition related topic. Any help is...
  4. J

    Equipment needed for STS?

    Thanks to both of you! I do have a gym membership, I manage to get there 3 times a week so I shouldn't have a problem getting cardio in. It's the weights I have trouble squeezing in, I need to be able to do those at home on non-gym days. Babysiting times at the gym don't allow me much...
  5. J

    Equipment needed for STS?

    Hmm I don't have a door in the basement but I do have the Fluidity Bar that should work for pull-ups for awhile. I was loking at the step prices and it may be cheaper just to get a small incline bench than the step with all the risers and the incline pieces. I'll check and see if Craigs List is...
  6. J

    Equipment needed for STS?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post so I apologize if I'm posting in the wrong section. I was doing some exploring and ran across this site, I started reading and everyone is so friendly I decided to join and check things out. STS looks like an awesome program. I've decided to make my...