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  1. jackah

    Cathe Beginners Aug 19 Check In

    Thanks for posting your diet info soon2bfit! You're dedicated! That's super that you are teaching your kids good habits too. Wondergirl, aren't bridesmaids dresses motivating? I had to squeeze into one last fall, and I wasn't sure I was gonna make it after it came in a little smaller than the...
  2. jackah

    Cathe Beginners Aug 18 Check-In

    Good job on those morning workouts! Way to get back into things after the weekend. I did a little intro on the original thread. I am hoping to become a true Cathelete! I typically work out after work, but I love the morning check-in to hold me accountable. Tonight I'll do a 60min beach...
  3. jackah

    Calling All Cathe Beginners...

    Hi, Everyone! Hope it's ok if I join in! I am new to Cathe's workouts, but did The Firm for years before moving on to working out at the gym--mostly group fitness classes. My gym membership expires in October, so I'm getting set to workout at home again. I've got a few Cathe DVDs and I'm...