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  1. S

    adjusting actual weight used

    Thins Great, If what you meant to say is how does it stay the same as long as we are using the same 1rm%. Ultimately you will want it to go up as the Mesocycles change and we are doing less reps and more weight. In your example, if 15 is what you used and assuming we are in Mesocycle Week 1...
  2. S

    Lifting Hooks

    My wife uses these. They are a little better for smaller wrist than the double hook version. Sam
  3. S

    Guys weights on Disc 3 (Legs)

    Just curious, do you think the guys on disc 3 were doing 60% of their real 1rm or were they backing off to emphasize form. I just thought it looked like they were using less weight then the ladies and I thought that they looked pretty ripped? Maybe I am trying to do too much weight in that...
  4. S

    SNM, What happened to Complete workout option

    I had the same probelm toady with getting flipped back to Dec 1999?