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  1. B

    Proper form for squat

    My 13 year old son follows some of your workouts including performing various squats. He's involved in shoulder intensive sports, tennis and swimming - and I wonder if there is any risk to his shoulders from holidng the bar behind his neck. I have seen suggestions that young athletes avoid...
  2. B

    Best dvd/routines for improving tennis footwork

    Thanks so much to all for the great information. It is exactly what I was hoping for. I was checking out the dvd previews on the Cathe web site. Pretty intense! If I can get to that level it will elevate my game for sure! Thanks again. Much appreciated.
  3. B

    Best dvd/routines for improving tennis footwork

    Hello, We have become big fans via fit tv. while i understand you are not a sport specific trainer, many routines include movements that would benefit an intermediate tennis player looking to dramatically improve footwork. Specifically, lateral agility, a more explosive first step, foot...