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  1. D

    intro to weight lifting dvd?

    I think Cathe's Maximum Intensity Strength would be perfect. It is an oldie but goodie, imo. I pulled it out and did it yesterday for the first time in a long while, and it still impresses me. The exercises are standard, tried and true gymstyle weight lifting moves, and Cathe gives some of...
  2. D

    Doing what's best for the kids?

    I'm married, mostly happily, with 3 children. My dh and I do whatever we can to make sure our marriage works. No, it is not all roses and romance. No, our needs are not always met by each other. Yes, it is work. But, we agree that we chose this marriage and to bring our kids into this...
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    Oprah and Somers misrepresenting self hormone therapy

    Carola, I hope you didn't interpret the fact that I bought a copy of SS' book and became interested in bioidentical hormones because of it as meaning that I therefore expected her to be my source of information on a complicated medical issue. As I said above, I researched compounding...
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    Oprah and Somers misrepresenting self hormone therapy

    I greatly appreciate this conversation, it's very timely for me. I've recently been going through the perimenopausal symptoms described here, and bought SS's book at a used book store. I've read most of it, and was very interested in her glowing recommendations re: bioidentical hormones. I...
  5. D or

    I'm almost always a lurker here, but I just want to say that I also appreciate fitnessfreak's generous sharing of information. I hope she doesn't read the OP's post and feel bad or anything. To the OP -- you're getting piled on here, and it wasn't my intent to join in on you. However, your...