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  1. C

    cardio vs. weight training to control weight?

    Hi, I read your post with a lot of interest and felt I needed to respond. About 15 years ago, at the age of 35, I was probably in the grips of an eating disorder but did not recognize it as such. I had to learn to eat again. The panic as the pounds can on was unbelievable, but I'm sure you...
  2. C

    future workout suggestion

    Hi Cathe, I would really like to have a series of short, 20 to 30 minutes max, low impact step routines. These would have to be fairly intense to be benificial. I suffer from depression and have discovered that aerobic exerice is a powerfull anti depressant, but there are times when it just...
  3. C

    Love the calendar

    Hi Cathe, I absolutely love the calendar and particularily the sticker idea. Getting a sticker for ones efforts seems to work for 5 year olds and 50 year olds. I expanded on the sticker idea to include machine workouts and walking. And with the help of a friend, devised a food point system to...