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  1. U

    Knee cracking???

    RE: Knee cracking/chondromalacia??? Hi All, just wanted to say that I also have Chondromalacia (and the "crunchy" or rice krispie sound, aka: crepitus) in one knee - and want to preface this by saying that all I've done in this post is to condense a lot of my own online research for you...I'm...
  2. U

    Bootleg DVD's on E-bay?

    Just wanted to say, I did get many dvds on ebay from Ezaggle (in one lot) before he got KICKED OFF!!! (To clarify he used to use the name mateoblem, also, Ezaggle and Ezaggle2) Details: Discs were "sealed" (very obviously used discs but re-sealed)and in original cases, but were not new...
  3. U

    Bootleg DVD's on E-bay?

    never mind me!