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  1. F

    Jumping Rope -- A Cardio Alternative

    I've noticed a few people on these forums have asked what a good alternative cardio activity is to running. Jumping rope is an obvious answer. I'm recovering from a tibial stress fracture (due to running, not jumping rope), so even the jumping motion is a bit too high impact for me. I love...
  2. F

    How Do You Store Your DVD Collection?

    I'm wondering how many DVD's you have and how you store them? I have about 100 or so, which I've been stashing in the spots in my TV stand. Do you have a particular storage/organization system you've developed? How about a cabinet (something online, at Best Buy, etc.) to keep them out of...
  3. F

    Problems with PowerStrike with Ilaria Montagnani DVD?

    I just purchased this kickbox dvd and it's great for a beginner like me. It seems to me that the dvd isn't chaptered correctly (if at all), so it's difficult to determine where the workouts actually begin (vs. the warm up, etc). There doesn't seem to be a top menu to choose the chapters. Has...
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    Spreadsheet with Cathe's Workouts?

    I've seen a few posts here recently about a spreadsheet with all of Cathe's workouts broken down. Is there an updated copy available somewhere? If so, please let me know. I could probably post it out on the web somewhere so that everyone could access it. Cheers.
  5. F

    Does Anyone Here Have PowerStrike with Ilaria Montagnani?

    I just purchased this kickbox dvd and it's great for a beginner like me. It seems to me that the dvd isn't chaptered correctly (if at all), so it's difficult to determine where the workouts actually begin (vs. the warm up, etc). There doesn't seem to be a top menu to choose the chapters...
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    Very Good Article on Exercise Vs. Diet

    Diet, exercise take off equal pounds, study finds By Maggie Fox, Health and Science EditorFri Jan 26, 10:13 AM ET Eating less and exercising more are equally good at helping take off the pounds, U.S. researchers said on Friday in a study that challenges many of the popular tenets of the...
  7. F

    How Did You Learn all the Step and KickBox Routines??

    Okay Everyone, I started Cathe's workouts a couple of weeks ago (Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance) which were fine. I did Drill Max but got a little lost on the stepping part because I haven't done step before. I've got Cathe's beginner dvds on the way. How did you learn the routines? Do you...
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    CTX...Is There Any Point??

    I mean, is there anything in them that you can't get from the newer releases? I'm building my Cathe collection, but I'm not sure I'd want to buy it if it's been "superseded" but newer workouts. And what about Pure Strength? Same thing?
  9. F

    Boot Camp...My First Cathe Workout!!

    Hello Everyone! I'm new to Cathe's workouts and just finished Boot Camp, my first Cathe workout, which I absolutely loved. I like circuit and interval training and am used to pumping a lot of heavy iron. I'm trying to build my muscular endurance, so I'm looking forward to the Muscle...
  10. F

    Best Workouts for Balance, Flexibility and Rhythm?

    Hello Everyone, I'm new to Cathe's videos. Which ones would be best for developing balance, flexibility and rhythm? I'm not really into step routines, but if that would be best, I'm willing to give it a try. Personally, I like the strength, endurance, interval and circuit training workouts...