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  1. D

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Monday, 10/23

    Good Evening Ladies! I finally got a chance to check in today, but with no workout to report! x( I spent the day writing a Software Specifications Requirement document for my Software Engineering class. Can you believe 17 single spaced pages? :o I have to tell myself not to procrastinate...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Sun., 10/22

    Good Evening Ladies! I hope everyone had a productive weekend. Sometimes I think I am busier on the weekends than I am on the weekdays! :P I got in my 90 minute walk/run this morning. It was a bit chilly here, but I am acclimating to the cold temperatures well. I have noticed that...
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    Baking bread question

    Most ovens do not have a low enough setting so that they can stay on without cooking the dough. I agree with heating the oven at a low temperature, then turning it off. If you have a heating pad, that can work as well. Just set it on a low setting and put the bowl with the dough on top.
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Sat., 10/21

    Good Afternoon Everyone! I am sorry that I didn't check in yesterday. I had to deal with one problem on top of another. I did manage to get my second 60 minute walk/run done yesterday. It felt so good just to clear my head by being outside. I am grateful to have access to treadmills, but...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Thurs., 10/19

    Good Afternoon Ladies! I got my 60 minute mixed aerobics workout done. There are some days that I don't feel like doing any DVD, so I do kettlebell swings, kickboxing movements, and anything else that maintains my heart rate. I even tried some of the moves shown on the extended DrillMax clip...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Wed., 10/18

    Good Morning Ladies! I got in my one hour walk/run this morning. I had to take the walking parts very slow, but that enabled me to run a bit. I am fortunate that my DH is letting me share his Garmin. I love that thing! My plan is one long walk/run on Sunday of about 90 minutes, then two...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Tues., 10/17

    I hope everyone is having a good day so far! I would like to introduce myself. My name is Elaine and I am in the process of teaching my body how to run. I am 33 years old. I am in the process of applying for Air Force Officer Training School. I will be expected to run a mile and a half in...
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    Amy Bendo Kickboxing

    In short, Amy offered her original set at a special pre-order price that she said would never be lower. However, she recently lowered the price for that set by quite a bit. When a previous purchaser contacted her to request a refund for the difference, Amy refused to give the refund. Those...