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    Gulp! #3 on the way!!

    I'm working on number three myself. Here's hoping for a girl!
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    Moms of Toddlers & Multiples (I promise no gushing about my kids this time!)

    I'm with you, guys! I recently discovered the 'luxury' of an early morning workout and I'm never going back. I get up at 5:30 with my husband and this way I'm able to work out five days a week. My six year old is still asleep. My 2 yr old is usually in bed but if he gets up he has started...
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    keeping up with cathe during first pregnancy? suggestio...

    I consider myself a pretty good source when it comes to exercising during pregnancy. I worked out until my due date (and beyond w/ my 2nd) with both of my pregnancies. With the first baby, I did jazzercise on regular basis and just switched to low impact when my belly threw me off balence...
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    Cathe-diet tips needed!

    Cathe, I'm a new user but I've been doing your fit tv workouts for a while now. As of February of 2006 I've been doing them at least four days a week. I do a cardio routine Mon, a weight-training routine Tues, cardio wed, and weights Thursday. I am not super scheduled with which workouts I...