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  1. M

    Cathe: Your opinion on my workout split please??

    Thanks, yes I have noticed that denying carbs is not only bad for my taste buds, but i get major stomach grumbles too, which leads me to cravings for very unhealthy food choices.
  2. M

    Cathe: Your opinion on my workout split please??

    Thanks guys, I deeply appreciate the feedback. You've made good points. I am tiring my shoulders a bit, I find even though I take my L-glutamine I'm often working through soreness and that's not good. I will try and ease up on the cardio, maybe trimming it to 4 days a week. The thing is, I...
  3. M

    Cathe: Your opinion on my workout split please??

    AM/Early monring daily workout: Mon - KickMax * Coremax Tue - Kick, Punch, Crunch Wed - KickMax Thu - KickMax & Coremax Fri - Kick, Punch, Crunch Sat - KickMax Sun- Rest (Coremax) PM/Late day workout: Mon - rest Tue - Slow/Heavy: Triceps Biceps, Forearms Wed - Slow/Heavy: Chest...