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  1. T

    What Should I Do?

    Thanks for the help! I'm starting tonight with Fitness Freak's Muscle Building and Cardio rotation. I'll see if that does the trick. It's similar to what you were talking about - one body part per day and cardio WAY less than what I'm doing now. Thanks for giving me much needed advice! Mel
  2. T

    What Should I Do?

    OK- I really could use some advice here...I posted a similar question in the Open forum without much luck, so I thought I'd try here since you guys are the rotation queens. :-) My problem is that I am doing a heavy cardio rotation (January 2006 - where there is a 90 minute cardio 5 days a...
  3. T

    Choosing a New Rotation

    Mel, Thanks for the help! Did doing that much cardio have any negative effects on muscle strength/definition at all? I spent the last two months building muscle through two separate rotations (one for upper body and one for lower) and I am looking now to lean out some, but not lose those...
  4. T

    Choosing a New Rotation

    Hey, Ladies! I am trying to choose between two rotations for the next four weeks. I'm having a hard time picking between the January rotation from this year (Let's Work - 90 minute heavy cardio) and the August rotation from last year (Bootcamp). Does anyone have any advice / results that...
  5. T

    Daily Check-in, Tuesday June 20

    Hey, Ladies! I usually don't post...prefer to sneak in and see what's going on. I know...I know...BUT I was wondering how you guys were doing (did) the walking lunges. I'm doing 50, take a short break, then 50 more and so on until I get all 300 done. Is there a better way to do it? On a...
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    Cathe Compendium

    May I have one, too, please? [email protected] Thanks! Mel