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    deanie- peanut butter

    Anyone try brazil or macadamia nut them! I eat nut butters all the time. I think they are very good for you, as long as you don't overdo it! Amanda
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    New to Forum: Workout Schedule

    Hi Everyone-I'm pretty new to this forum-I was wondering wondering when most of you workout during the day? Monring, Evening, both?
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    I have been using coconut oil on my face and skin for several months now-this lady at an organic food store near my house actually got me started on this kick, telling me how great it was for so many different things. I VERY rarely fry anything but have been trying to eat some everday-thanks...
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    Change of Plans

    Thanks for all the advice. Sarah, I looked at your pics; you look awesome!! What did/does your diet look like?
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    In various books and articles I've read that to see results you should be consuming between 3 1/2-5 tablespoons a day! That sounds like a lot. I've thought about trying it but am unsure of all the extra calories.
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    I resently have been reading quite a bit of research about the benefits of coconut/coconut products (water, oil, milk, etc.). Has anyone else heard of this or tried incorporating this into their diets? From what I read it is supposed to be highly beneficial for athletes and those trying to...
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    Change of Plans

    Thanks for your response! I'll have to joing in on this more ofter-it seems like a great source of motivation!
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    Change of Plans

    Hi everyone! I've been working out with Cathe for about two years now, but this is my first post. I was looking for any advice I could get about changing my workout routine a little. For the past year or so I've been alternating cardio days and weight days. I was considering doing weights...