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  1. S

    No chapters in TurboBarre?

    Hi there, really enjoying the new Low Impact downloads, cheers! I was wondering if there were meant to be chapters in the TurboBarre download? Unlike all the other Low Impact downloads, it seems to be all one thing. It would be great if we could flip between the different sections.
  2. S

    Weight-less ideas for Weakling Legs? (patellofemoral pa...

    Howdy lovelies, I've been having patellofemoral problems with my right knee for about 18 months now. It was intially triggered by taking up running so I gave that up and just stuck to weights and Spinning. However earlier this year I discovered Cathe and tried step for the first time. For a...
  3. S

    The Grimacing Face of PAIN!

    Hello lovelies! I have been a Cathe devotee for about four months now. I started out with some Hardcores and recently I went old school and bought the Pyramids. I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed the differences in the facial expressions of the background exercisers, between the...